วันอังคารที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
Mini Dental Implants in the U.S.
The concept of mini dental implants is a revolutionary method for supporting replacement teeth that used very small titanium alloy implant screws that would function free standing or in combination with natural tooth supports. The concept was pioneered over 20 years ago by a Dr. Victor I. Sendax, but not developed until 1997 after collaborating with a colleague, Dr. Ronald A. Bulard.</p><p>Mini dental implants were formally introduced to the dental industry at a conference in 1999 and today represent one of the fastest growing and most successful segments of the dental product industry.</p><p>In most cases, mini dental implants are used as a stabilization method for a lower denture. Over 50,000,000 people lacking teeth in the U.S. alone, and many of them experience frequent pain and discomfort as a result of loose-fitting dentures. With the aid of mini dental implants, the stability of the denture and subsequently the confidence of the wearer can be significantly improved.</p><p>For those seeking mini dental implant procedures, many dental offices in New York City and other large metropolitan areas boast decades of experience in dental implant research and surgery. Such offices make it possible to tighten and stabilize a loose-fitting denture in just one visit to the center.</p><p>The best offices cite shorter recovery times, lower cost and a lack of significant invasive surgery as the main benefits to those electing to seek mini dental implants as opposed to the standard variety. Implants can be set by of professional in just one hour and patients will leave with an increased confidence, ready to eat, smile and speak like they would with a full set of natural teeth. With virtually no discomfort on the part of the patient, mini dental implants are an attractive option for those individuals seeking cosmetic surgery.</p><p>Top-notch dental implant offices are located throughout the country, from Las Vegas and Los Angeles to New York City, including several mini dental implant centers in New Jersey, Boston, Chicago and Canada.</p><p><a target="_new" href="http://www.e-dentalimplants.com">Dental Implants Info</a> provides comprehensive information on the procedure and cost of standard and mini dental implants, and focuses on the Las Vegas, Los Angeles and New York regions. Dental Implants Info is the sister site of <a target="_new" href="http://www.e-rhinoplasty.com">Rhinoplasty Web</a>.
The Laser Hair Removal Process
Laser Hair Removal is becoming more popular then ever for the removal of unwanted body hair. Before making the decision to go forward with laser hair removal it is important to understand the removal process and to determine if you would make an ideal candidate for laser hair removal.</p><p>Below we are going to talk about some of the most common questions asked before making a decision to get laser hair removal done.</p><p>Is it safe?</p><p>Yes, the removal process is safe. Some patients may notice pinkness or redness to the skin on the treated area. Most commonly the color will go back to normal in a few minutes up to a few hours. In a few rare cases it may take a few days for the normal skin color to appear. The skin color variation will depend greatly on the process used during the hair removal as there is more than one process available.</p><p>What is the laser hair removal process?</p><p>The laser hair removal process works by sending a beam of laser light to a group of hair follicles with enough power to disable or destroy the root, but not enough power to harm the surrounding skin. The laser beam finds the hair follicles by targeting melanin (the substance that gives skin and hair dark color). People that have dark hair and light skin are the ideal candidate for laser hair removal. However, it is important to note that the laser process will not work on those people that have red, grey or real blonde hair.</p><p>Is the hair removal process painful?</p><p>The answer to this question varies greatly by patient as everyone feels pain differently and no two people are the same. Some patients have said it feels like a pinch while other patients noted it feels like a rubber band snapping your skin. For the most part most patients have noted mild discomfort and in those cases the doctor will usually provide the patient with a mild anesthetic during the hair removal process.</p><p>How long is the hair removal process? And how many treatments will I need?</p><p>Both of these questions don't have a single definitive answer. The length of time for removal will depend on the area being treated. How many treatments needed also have many different variables to consider making the answer different per case - skin tone, hair coloring and the coarseness of hair are all variable that help determine how many hair removal treatments will be needed.</p><p>While these are our opinions on the laser hair removal process, it is best to do your research and find out the specifics for your removal process. It's always best to get more then one opinion and be thorough before making your decision.</p><p>Aimee Smyth<br> Aimee is the owner of <a target="_new" href="http://www.mylaserhairremoval.info">My Laser Hair Removal</a> a site that provides information about <a target="_new" href="http://wwwmylaserhairremoval.info">laser hair removal</a> and what to expect during the process. For more information, visit her at <a target="_new" href="http://www.mylaserhairremoval.info">My Laser Hair Removal</a>.info.
วันจันทร์ที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
The Right Beauty Supplies Will Make You Look Great!
Use beauty supplies the right way and yours could well be the face that launched a thousand ships! Growing old may be mandatory, but looking it certainly isn't. It's just that one has to do it right. But that's exactly what's difficult. The mind boggles with the onslaught of unending types of beauty supplies, countless makeup and enticing brands. Am I using the right beauty supplies? Am I doing it correctly? What about side effects? Thankfully, makeup tips are not very difficult to find.</p><p>Trust the beauty supply expert.</p><p>Generally, you can always trust a beauty supply expert. And thankfully, one is almost always available without much trouble. The media abounds with beauty supply tips. And then there are brands that you can trust your skin with. Or use exotic mineral beauty supplies that are a great alternative to chemical beauty supplies. They use natural ingredients and causes less damage to the skin. Over a period of time, the presence of wrinkled skin could make that vital difference between skin that used regular beauty supplies and skin that used natural beauty supplies.</p><p>Beauty supplies today not only means enhancing beauty that is skin-deep, it also means preservation of skin nutrition. After all, our skin is the largest organ of our body and needs adequate nutrition like any other organ. Consistent, healthy skin care is the best way to avoid wrinkles, sunspots and premature aging. It will pay off in the end. We spend our hard-earned cash on beauty and skincare. Lets make sure that its main beneficiary is our skin, not skin care product manufacturers.</p><p>About The Author</p><p>Mike Yeager<br> Publisher<br> <a href="http://www.a1-beauty-4u.com/" target="_new">http://www.a1-beauty-4u.com/</a></p><p><a href="mailto:mjy610@hotmail.com">mjy610@hotmail.com</a>
Facial Exercises - A New Trend in Non-Surgical Facial Toning
There is a moment in everyone's life, when you notice for the first time, (it may be for some around your 35th birthday), wrinkles and sagginess on your face. These may appear as a result of stress-filled days, good and bad personal experiences, genetics and a host of other factors influencing your life.</p><p>At first, looking from different angles in the mirror you think, perhaps you can do something about it. Well, anti-aging creams definitely improve the texture of the skin through quality moisturizing and fight against damaging UV rays together with regular beautician visits. What about droopy cheeks, dull skin color and a baggy looking jaw-line? You try to recall all the solutions offered on TV infomercials and magazine advertisements, thinking what is the best possible answer for fighting these aging signs appearing on your face?</p><p>The explanations offered by experts are pointing to different factors causing your skin to age:</p><p>-free radicals, highly reactive molecules created by factors like smoking and UV rays that damage skin cells, specially visible around eyes and lips:</p><p>- insufficient intake of fresh fruit and vegetables that contain vitamins and minerals necessary for skin regeneration and rejuvenation (vitamins C, A and E)</p><p>-depleted collagen and weaken muscles causing skin to sag</p><p>-genetic predisposition</p><p>Now, what is available? For people who don't believe in aging gracefully, there are few options:</p><p>- Paying a visit to a reputable plastic surgeons practice. This may be a solution for those with a readily disposable income, but for the majority perhaps this would not be an option. - Botox injections, applied to small muscles underlying visible lines every three to six months, temporarily paralyzes the muscles, smoothing out the skin above - Boost collagen production with non-ablative lasers that help stimulate collagen production in the dermis</p><p>Or, FACIAL EXERCISES, a new approach that is more and more appealing to those who are looking for a natural, inexpensive and non-invasive way to improve facial appearance. Several programs have been known in the last 30 years ranging from educational books, different devices and the advocates of facial exercises agree, if you stick with them, the results will pay off. Massage and facial exercises are a maintenance regimen for stimulating muscles and keeping the skin in place.</p><p>Ayurveda, an ancient Indian science, uses massage and facial exercises as a key to delay the aging process and help prevent wrinkles.</p><p>What benefits or initial improvements would you notice or gain using this method for facial aging prevention? The improvement in color and tautness in your skin is expected between 3-4 weeks based on everyday facial workout. An overall fresher and youthful look gradually comes within 3 months. Facial exercises are painless and easy to learn, working the same way we exercise our body muscles. The benefit that is gained by exercising the facial muscles, is improving skin tone, strengthening underlying muscle structure which in turn supports our facial skin and keeps it taut and supple.</p><p>According to the Washington Post, an exciting trend is taking place where facial exercises have become popular in USA. Fitness clubs in Manhattan, Washington D.C., Pittsburg, Boston and other places across the United States are now joining in the fashion of offering facial exercise classes. These are likened to aerobic classes for the face.</p><p>Some exercises are done by using the fingers to provide the resistance. The Australian company Oris Vista Pty Ltd , has developed a new innovative product that eliminates the overstretching of facial skin by using a ball to provide the resistance. Five short, but effective exercises, combined with the Oris Vista Face Exercise Ball are all that are needed to enable our facial muscles to have a complete workout. Oris Vista Face Exercise Ball with facial exercises instructions and anti-aging aromatherapy oil blend is available to order via www.faceexerciseball.com . The website also offers FREE BEAUTY TIPS AND RECIPES FROM YOUR OWN KITCHEN.</p><p>Zhana Dragicevich is a product developer and the owner of the website <a target="_new" href="http://www.faceexerciseball.com">http://www.faceexerciseball.com.</a>
Color Contacts: Fashionable, Dramatic and HOT!
"A great way to give you a subtle or dramatic change is with colored contact lenses. Manufacturers currently make a wide range of different color contacts in both prescription and non-prescription form with colors available to make your eyes sizzle!"<br><br> There are four types of colored contact lenses; visibility tints, enhancement tints, opaque color tints and light filtering tints, each offering something a bit different. <br><br> Regardless if you will be purchasing color contacts for prescription or plano (non-prescription) form you will need to have a valid eye prescription. In the United States it is law that you have a prescription for any contact lenses purchases, whether they are prescription or not. An eyecare practitioner can include any optometrists, ophthalmologist or even opticians (in some states). This is because it is necessary to achieve the right shape, lens size and material for each individuals eyes. Improperly fitted lenses can lead to serious eye problems and infection.<br><br> Once you have the proper eye prescription you are free to purchase your colored discount contact lenses wherever you please. It is also important to have a yearly check up to ensure your lenses are still fitting properly and you prescription hasn't changed. <br><br> <b>Four Different Tints:</b><br><br> Colored contact lenses are available in four different tints. The visibility tint usually has a light blue or green tint added to the lens, for the sole purpose of helping you to better see the lenses during insertion and removal. The tint also aids in seeing if they are dropped, because the tint is so light they do not affect eye color. The enhancement tints are a solid (yet translucent) tint that is not much darker than the visibility tint but does affect the wearer's eye color. As the name implies the lenses enhance the existing color of the eyes. The enhancement tints are a nice yet subtle change for those just wanting to add a bit of intensity to their eye color.<br><br> Color tints are a deeper, opaque tint allowing the wearer to dramatically change their eye color. For anyone wanting a completely new look these are the color contacts to choose. Some of the lovely tints available come in colors such as; blue, gray, true sapphire, green, turquoise, Caribbean aqua, sea green and pacific blue to name a few. The various tints are usually made up with a series of colorful shapes, lines or dots to mimic the look of the natural eye. <br><br> <b>Special Effects Contact Lenses:</b><br><br> Costume and theatrical lenses also fall into the same category of opaque color contacts. These special effect lenses are available in prescription and non-prescription form. The lenses are an excellent choice for any theatrical production, television or advertising needs, and for most people a great addition to any Halloween costume. The special effect contact lenses come in exciting designs like jaguar, cat eye, alien zebra, blackout (changing the eye color to black), white-out (changing the eye color to white), red hot, bloodshot and wolf designs. The special effect contact lenses are just as safe as your regular contact lenses provided they are cared for in the same way. Check with your eyecare practitioner for the proper cleaning regimen, and remember to never share your lenses.<br><br> <b>Sports Contact Lenses Help Enhance Your Game:</b><br><br> The light-filtering tints are specifically made for use in sports. The special lenses enhance certain colors while muting others. One of the popular light-filtering tints comes in optic yellow, the color of tennis balls and golf balls. The tints allow for the ball to stand out against the background therefore making it easier to target, the colored contacts are also an excellent option for spectators. <br><br> <b>Shy or Outgoing -There is a Color for You:</b><br><br> For those purchasing colored contacts for the first time deciding what color is best can be a difficult decision especially with all the options available. Personality has a lot to do with what color might be most appropriate for you. If you are a bold and outgoing person who doesn't mind being the center of attention, a color that is opposite your natural eye color might be best. An example would be someone with brown eyes wearing contact lenses in a green or blue shade. On the other hand if you are a bit more reserved and shy you may choose lenses that don't get you quite as noticed, an example would be a blue eyed person going with a shade of gray. The enhancement tints are great for a deepening affect that doesn't change your eyes at all, but still manages to give a sparkle to your look. <br><br> The advantage to the disposable color contacts is with all the available choices if you purchase a pair that you don't feel best suit your given personality and appearance you can always switch them to a different color at little cost.<br><br> If your colored contacts are for prescription wear you'll want to choose lenses that are compatible with your needs and find a wear schedule appropriate for you. Some examples of the different disposable lenses available are; frequent replacement contacts which are replaced monthly or quarterly; disposable lenses needing replacement daily, weekly or every two weeks and the traditional or reusable lenses which need replacing about every six months or longer. The replacement schedule that will be best for you is based on how your eyes behave while wearing the lenses. Some people need to replace their lenses more frequently as their eyes produce more protein and lipids (causing build-up on the lenses) than others. Whether you decide on a regular pair of lenses or disposables will depend on your individual needs. <br><br> <b>Conclusion:</b><br><br> It is important when owning colored contacts to never share the contacts, even if they are just for novelty use in non-prescription form. This is because sharing lenses can transmit harmful bacteria leading to possible eye infections or serious eye conditions. Another reason to never share is that your contact lenses are fitted specifically for you, sharing with someone else can cause abrasion or eye damage.<br><br> The color contact lenses are a unique and fun way to change or enhance your look. With all the available colors it might be difficult to make a choice. It is important to remember that colored contact lenses are medical devices and if not properly prescribed and fitted a person could suffer discomfort, abrasion, swelling and in some instances permanent eye damage. Always treat your contact lenses with care to ensure proper eye health.<br><br></p><p>Valerie Giles owns and operates Eyewear-4U <a target="_new" href="http://www.eyewear-4u.com">http://www.eyewear-4u.com</a>, an eyewear site featuring fashion eyewear, sports eyewear, prescription eyewear, <a target="_new" href="http://www.eyewear-4u.com/discount-sunglasses.htm"> discount sunglasses</a> and <a target="_new" href="http://www.eyewear-4u.com/discount-contact-lenses.htm"> contact lenses</a> as well as accessories.
Eczema: Getting the Facts
People from all walks of life and all ages live with eczema; however, it typically appears in infants. Also called contact dermatitis, eczema is actually a group of skin conditions. Although it may sometimes look like a contagious condition, eczema is not contagious.</p><p>Symptoms related to eczema depend on the causes and severity of the form of eczema. A person with mild eczema has dry, hot, and itchy skin. Severe eczema causes the skin to crack, bleed, and often takes a long time to heal. Inflammation in the area is common depending on the type of eczema.</p><p>Type of eczema</p><p>More information</p><p>Atopic eczema</p><p>- Most common form of eczema; affects children and adults.Symptoms include:</p><p>- extreme itchiness</p><p>- dryness of the skin</p><p>- redness</p><p>- inflammation</p><p>Irritant contact dermatitis<br> - Occurs when skin becomes irritated by detergents and other chemicals (e.g. perfumes, soaps, bubble bath powder and more).</p><p>Varicose eczema<br> - Affects skin on the lower legs and is caused by poor circulation of blood.</p><p>Allergic contact dermatitis<br> - Body's immune system attacks a substance in the skin.</p><p>- Symptoms are similar to those listed for atopic eczema.</p><p>Infantile seborrhoeic eczema<br> - Found on infants under one year old.</p><p>- Often looks unpleasant but does not affect the infant's comfort and may appear on the scalp or bottom.</p><p>Discoid eczema<br> - Typically associated with adults.</p><p>- Found on upper body and lower legs.</p><p>Dealing with eczema</p><p>In order to deal with eczema, you need to figure out what type of eczema you have. A doctor can help a person living with eczema or someone caring for a child with eczema manage the condition.</p><p>Diagnosis of eczema is not simple. A doctor must look at the person's medical history, when they first recognized the condition and what triggers the condition. Some people with atopic dermatitis have allergies and may need allergy testing, especially if treatment with medication is not working.</p><p>Reducing the number and frequency of outbreaks is the goal of any eczema treatment. To reach this goal, a person living with eczema may need to:</p><p>- make certain lifestyle changes (e.g. avoid certain irritating products)</p><p>- use medication to control the outbreaks</p><p>- kidneys</p><p>- follow a regular skin care routine</p><p>Lifestyle changes are often useful in reducing and preventing the symptoms of eczema. However, some of these lifestyle changes work for some people and not others. Some changes to consider include:</p><p>- wearing cotton clothing and using cotton bedding to reduce the itchiness associated with the condition. Synthetic fibres don't allow the skin to breathe and wool can irritate the skin.</p><p>- using biological laundry detergents, also avoid using fabric softeners. Synthetic laundry detergents, and fabric softeners may increase itchiness and cause a person to scratch more often. As a result, not using them may help reduce the skin's itchiness.</p><p>- vacuuming, dusting, and changing bedding regularly. This is extremely important because it reduces the number of house dust mites and the droppings from dust mites that are found in bedding, mattresses, curtains, and carpets.</p><p>- possible changes to the foods you eat. Even though the link between diet and eczema is not conclusive, making changes to certain foods consumed in some severe cases of eczema, especially in babies and young children seems beneficial. Always ask your doctor before making dietary changes to ensure the foods eaten will include all necessary nutrients for growth and development.</p><p>Common treatments for people with eczema require moisturization of the skin and use of medications, if necessary. Treatment is usually based on a person's age, health, medical history as well as the type and severity of eczema. Possible treatments consist of:</p><p>- lotions and creams: These products are applied directly on the skin to keep in as much moisture as possible. Using organic lotions and creams may be a good alternative to non-organic moisturizers since the non-organic moisturizers contain synthetic chemicals that may cause an outbreak. Moisturizing the skin after showering helps lock in moisture.</p><p>- medications such as topical steroids, oral steroids, and topical immunomodulators: Prescription and non-prescription corticosteroids come in the form of creams and ointments that can be applied to the skin. Prescription corticosteroids are more potent than non-prescription ointments but both have potential side effects, especially if used for long periods of time. Oral steroids are usually prescribed for severe outbreaks. Topical immunomodulators do not contain steroids and are available by prescription to treat atopic eczema.</p><p>Other tips that may help people with eczema improve the skin's condition include:</p><p>- keeping nails short</p><p>- avoiding sudden changes in temperatures (e.g. going from cold environments to hot environments)</p><p>- relaxing to reduce stress</p><p>References:</p><p>- www.skincarephysicians.com/eczemanet/whatis.aspl</p><p>- www.eczema.org</p><p>- www.skincarephysicians.com/eczemanet/treatment.aspl</p><p>- www.skincarephysicians.com/eczemanet/preventing.aspl</p><p>- http://www.naturalmake-up.ca</p><p>Lori Stryker has been researching and developing all natural skin care and make-up for the purpose of offering men and women safe, natural cosmetics for everyday use. She brings to her research a specialist in human biology from the University of Toronto, coupled with a professional home economics degree and an education degree from the University of British Columbia, fusing chemical and biological knowledge with food, family and textile sciences.</p><p>You may use this article but any modification or publication of this article for fiancial gain must be approved of by the author. The author's name, Lori Stryker and her company's name, The Organic Make-up Company, needs to by noted when used.
10 Important Sunless Tanning Safety Tips
If you are a sunless tanner, your skin's health is very important to you. Here are some tips for you to review at your leisure and share with your friends and family. After you have read them, return once in awhile for a refresher so that you will keep safety foremost and always in your sunless tanning program.</p><p>1. Shaving - Avoid shaving right before applying sunless tanning products to avoid irritation.</p><p>2. Lighten up - For areas you want to protect from getting too dark, pre-apply baby oil, gel or lotion to places like your knees and elbows, then use sunless tanner.</p><p>3. Streaking - Getting wet too soon after applying sunless tanning products could result in streaks. So wait after applications, at least two hours or so, before swimming, showering or bathing.</p><p>4. Orange -To avoid orange hands when applying products, cheap, disposable gloves from a dime or wholesale store are great to use. Regardless of glove wearing, thoroughly wash hands and fingernails after application.</p><p>5. Expunge - Eliminate dead skin via washing or exfoliating before applying sunless tanning products.</p><p>6. Special Areas - When using self-tanning products with your knees, feet, hands and elbows, either dilute first with a moisturizing lotion or use very small amounts when gently rubbing in. Rubbing with a make-up sponge applicator works well for these areas, too.</p><p>7. How-to-Apply - To apply sunless tanning products, begin working on a small area. Gently, in an even manner, rub in the product generously. Reach out to other areas in a swirling, but still gentle and even rub, rather than going in an up-and-down direction. To reach your back, try using a sponge paint roller or sponge paintbrush; a little goes a long way, so slow and steady does it.</p><p>8. Fabric Stains - Be careful when using sunless tanning agents that list padimate O, lisadimate, aminobenzoic acid or roxadimate in the ingredients. These may cause discoloration, staining fabrics a yellowish hue.</p><p>9. Inside / Outside - Remember that when you use sunless or self- tanning products, if they list no sunscreen in their ingredients, you will not be protected from harmful UV rays. And even if you are using a sunscreen, it does not last or work beyond a few hours. So take caution running in and out, and be prepared. Either carry along more sunscreen product to reapply or wear, and carry or take protective clothing and gear.</p><p>10. Eyewear - For those enjoying a lot of outdoor weather, check into investing in good protective eyewear. Read labels for 100% UV protection. Check with a pharmacist or healthcare provider for help selecting appropriate levels for children and yourself.</p><p>By carefully considering these sunless tanning tips, you can help ensure you safely keep that wonderful glow all year long and enjoy the sizzle without the sun!</p><p>James B. Allen is the publisher of Power Living Press. He invites you to come learn more about living a healthier, wealthier, more beautiful and more powerful life TODAY by visiting:</p><p><a target="_new" href="http://www.PowerLivingPress.com">http://www.PowerLivingPress.com</a>
Beauty - Is It Really Only Skin Deep?
We are in the age of cosmetology, plastic surgery, implants and a constant barrage from TV and magazines that want to sell us beauty and weight loss products. It is an enormously profitable industry that keeps us spellbound for the next new thing that will take away our wrinkles or firm our skin or help us lose weight.</p><p>Unfortunately society all over the world from the deepest, most remote areas of the planet to modern society will judge you by how you look. It is true! We all do it, some more than others. When you are walking through a mall or standing in line somewhere you are assessing people around you. When we are looking for a job we dress to impress. When we go out for an evening we dress to impress. Women usually pay more attention to detail then men.</p><p>But there is more to beauty then cosmetics and clothes. If you are very healthy looking then you are more likely to give a good impression. If you are a good listener, helpful or witty and cheerful, people are more likely to want to be around you. Cosmetics and clothing can definitely help but I suggest starting from the inside out.</p><p>1) Get plenty of sleep. This is a must. You cannot function properly when you are tired and it will show on your face. If you have a problem with getting enough sleep then you need to investigate the cause and handle it accordingly.</p><p>2) Drink plenty of water. Most people are semi dehydrated and don't get enough water daily.</p><p>3) Eat healthy food. Give up the junk and sugar foods. Your metabolism will be working better if you eat regular healthy meals.</p><p>4) You may want to consider taking supplements to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.</p><p>5) Exercise. Our bodies need to move. We have become somewhat of a couch potato society. Have you noticed that when you are lazy you are less likely to want to get up and do anything? Exercising 30 minutes three times a week should help you lose weight and keep healthy.</p><p>6) Manicures and pedicures and keeping your body clean will keep you healthy and will be appreciated by others.</p><p>7) Keep up with the times on fashion. You don't want the outdated look.</p><p>8) Dress for your age. At 12 you don't need to look 20, or if your 50, you don't need to look 18. Be well dressed for your age.</p><p>9) If you need help with hair and makeup, find an expert to help you with that.</p><p>10) And finally, smile. No one really cares to be near Mr. or Mrs. Grumpy.</p><p>Some people naturally do all or most of these things, but if you aren't one of them then look at what would motivate you to do this. Do you have a spouse you want to look good for? Are you single and want to attract someone? Do you have children or grandchildren you want to be healthier and be a good role model for?</p><p>There is an awesome <a target="_new" href="http://www.artinspires.com/display_motivational.asp?c=Balance">motivational poster</a> that inspired me to write about this subject. Get healthy, and be happy.</p><p>Willie Jones</p><p>Willie is a freelance writer, researcher, floral designer, and artist. Thanks very much for reading this far. "Make sure you enroll in the free motivational poster drawing at <a target="_nwe" href="http://www.artinspires.com">http://www.artinspires.com/</a>. All winners receive a free framed print."
Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon: Treat Yourself to Surgery at Its Best
Los Angeles is the city as infamous as it is famous, as notorious a city as you can find. It is a city that is known the whole world over, even by millions who have never visited it, and it is surrounded by an intriguing mysticism that few can resist. This is where the famous people live, the young, the rich and the beautiful, a city that houses people so gorgeous that the plastic surgeons must be the best in the world! Many people travel here from all over the world to have their surgery performed here by the very best. But if the city and its surgeons are that good, surely the prices must be as high-flying too?</p><p>Because it seems that Los Angeles people have to be beautiful people too, you can be sure that Los Angeles plastic surgeons will be plentiful and highly skilled. The disproportionate demand for cosmetic surgery in this city compared with other parts of the country means that the competition within the industry here is huge - so professionals have to be top-notch in order to survive. Making an appointment with a Los Angeles plastic surgeon almost guarantees that you will be meeting a professional who is well qualified and experienced, with knowledge of all the latest innovations at his or her disposal. The success of the industry in this part of the world pushes it on to bigger and better things, so if you are looking to avail of all the most up-to-date techniques, then this is the city to visit.</p><p>The popularity of plastic surgery here means that surgeons can charge what they like - but the very multitude of professionals means also that they must remain competitive in their price structure. There are a number of great deals to be had. The city's booming industry also means that sometimes hacks can flourish, offering half price operations at half the standard of the true professionals. Always check out the credentials of your surgeon before you submit to their knife - in a city filled with the best in the world, you don't want to be one of the unlucky ones who falls prey to the unscrupulous. Even the cheapest deal in the world is not worth that.</p><p>Finding the best deals in town will take some homework - use the Internet, local press, or even ask around to find the best deals offered by the best surgeons. You might have to pay a little more to avail of the services of a Los Angeles plastic surgeon, but the gorgeous results will make you glad you spent the money.</p><p>Jeff Lakie is the founder of <a target="_new" href="http://www.abdominoplasty-information.com">Plastic Surgery Resources</a> a website providing information on cosmetic surgery.
Dont Let Your Kanji Tattoo Get Lost In Translation
Thinking of getting a kanji tattoo or kanji jewelry? Then arm yourself with this information before you buy anything. It may be the difference between being cool and national humiliation.</p><p>What? National humiliation? Well OK, national humiliation is an unlikely outcome, but an article in the March 1st, 2005 Washington Post Express shows that the possibility is there. "Lost in Translation" looked at the real dangers facing the unwary consumers who get kanji tattoos.</p><p>I am not joking when I say "real dangers". But neither am I referring to unhygenic tattooing practices. What I am talking about is toe-curlingly appalling linguistic blunders. Specifically, I mean kanji combinations like these:</p><p>- Extremely Military Affairs Stopping<br> - Crazy Diarrhea<br> - Weird (tattooed on one B. Spears)</p><p>Yes, these are phrases that real people (yes, Britney Spears is a real person) actually have had tattooed into their skin.</p><p>To be honest, I am not entirely surprised at these and other errors. After all, I have seen many reversed images of kanji being offered for tattoos, and kanji jewelry that simply did not mean anything like it was supposed to.</p><p>One necklace, I remember, had the kanji for "road" on it - although the poor owner had been told it meant love. I guess her love hit the road and didn't come back no more, no more, no more, no more....</p><p>As Tian Tang puts it in the Post:</p><p>"People ask, 'I got the tattoo, can you tell me what this means? And I'm like, 'Why didn't you do this before you got that tattoo?'"</p><p>Yes, you would think that would be the obvious thing to do ? especially if you are getting something permanent like a kanji tattoo. So how can you make sure you don't end up a national laughingstock?</p><p>First of all, make sure you know something about the Japanese language. Check out the copious information at sites like japanese.about.com and in five minutes you will know more about kanji, hiragana and katakana than most of the people already walking around with it tattooed into their skin.</p><p>Next, remember that there is often no such thing as an exact translation. Basic nouns are one thing ? a table is a table is a table, after all. But abstract concepts, like Semper Fidelis (the motto of the US Marine Corps), can be notoriously difficult to translate well.</p><p>Once you have grasped this background material, you are ready to meet with the tattoo artist. That's right ? meet. Don't get anything done yet. At first you just want to talk. Specifically, you want to find out how familiar he or she is with the issues mentioned above. If after an hour or so on the internet you know more about Japanese than your tattoo artist, then you need to be very careful about kanji she suggests.</p><p>So what can you do if your tattoo artist doesn't know his kanji from his katakana? How do you go about getting the kanji yourself?</p><p>Well if you are confident in your new-found kanji knowledge, then there are a number of online dictionaries that can help.</p><p>Otherwise I would recommend getting a translation from a site like the one I run - <a target="_new" href="http://www.japanese-name-translation.com/">Japanese-Name-Translation.com</a>. A good translator will be able to offer you a number of different options as well as explaining the exact meaning and pronunciation of the different kanji. They should also be able to offer you a number of different styles, from basic kanji calligraphy fonts to genuine Japanese shodo calligraphy.</p><p>At the end of the day, how you decide to go about getting your kanji tattoo is up to you. Just remember that preparation is the key to making sure your kanji tattoo doesn't get "Lost in Translation".</p><p>About the Author</p><p>Stephen Munday lives in Japan and is the creator of <a target="_new" href="http://www.japanese-name-translation.com">http://www.japanese-name-translation.com</a>, where you can download images of over 2,200 names in kanji or have a unique phrase translated into Japanese for a tattoo.</p><p>This article is ? Stephen Munday 2005. Permission is given to reproduce this article with the URLs correctly hyperlinked.
What Diet Your Skin Needs: Find Out!
There is no denying the fact that appropriate diet not only benefits your health, but also your SKIN. A stressful life (inadequate care) and unhealthy eating are two major reasons for poor skin and various skin problems like rashes, dry skin, black circles under your eyes, pimples, acne, pigmentation etc. There are other secondary reasons too which can affect your skin like at the time of pregnancy when there is hormonal change or genetic problem i.e either you have oily or dry skin because of your genes. But more than 70% of the affected skin is due to the primary reasons and one of the major primary reason is inappropriate diet.</p><p>Different skin needs different type of diet. But there are few general rules for healthy skin which are universal for everyone.</p><p>Here is the list of the rules:</p><p>a) Water, the magical drink, acts as the best medicine for the skin. It not only refreshes you and make your skin glow but also purifies your body which makes the body run most effectively. Read the benefits of water and how it helps your skin glow just a click away at http://www.weightloss-health.com/Water_Benifits.htm.</p><p>b) Vitamins are as essential to skin as oxygen to body. Some vitamins do a world of good to your skin. These vitamins are mandatory for glowing and healthy skin.</p><p>List of Vitamins essential for your glowing skin and their sources (natural):</p><p>1) Vitamin C : It can be easily found in all citric fruits like orange etc.</p><p>2) Vitamin A : Sources for Vitamin A are papaya, orange, egg yolk etc.</p><p>3) Vitamin B : It is found in all leafy vegetables along with fruits. Other sources are Whole grains , brewers yeast etc.</p><p>4) Vitamin E : It is found in oilseeds, vegetables like broccoli , nuts etc.</p><p>Trust me, it isnt that difficult to maintain a healthy skin. All you need to take care of it properly and make sure you eat well. You can always consult your skin specialist for the right diet and simply follow it.</p><p>More on healthy food ( http://www.weightloss-health.com/healthy%20food.htm ) and free healthy recipes ( http://www.weightloss-health.com/Recipes.htm ) of all kinds .</p><p>About the Author</p><p>Jasdeep: for <a target="_new" href="http://www.weightloss-health.com">http://www.weightloss-health.com</a> your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.</p><p>Also get free tips and tricks on weight loss, diet and muscle Building at <a target="_new" href="http://www.weightloss-health.com/Articles2.htm">Healthy Diet Tips, Myths and Facts</a></p><p>If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and LIVE link to our website.
Botox, The No-Surgeon Solution to Wrinkles
Despite the fact that Botox is a toxin it's been safely and widely used by ophthamologists for more than ten years. Botox has been used for for wrinkle treatment since the early 1990's and no serious side effects have been documented.</p><p>Botox works by relaxing the muscles that create the wrinkles and that way lessening the appearance of frown lines, crow's feet or laugh lines. Botox is injected in the muscle and after the botox injection you'll no longer be able to frown, eliminating the lines created by frowning. Botox eliminates the wrinkles that appear because of facial muscle overuse, it's a protein toxin produced by clostridium botulinum bacteria.</p><p>Botox has been regarded by many as "the ultimate fountain of youth", botox injections are more popular than breast enchancement and are probably the next blockbuster. More than 1.6 million patients received botox injection in 2001 with almost 50% increase over 2000. According the ASAPS, botox injections are the fastest-growing cosmetic procedure.</p><p>In order to work, a small amount of Botox is injected in the muscles that create the wrinkles. The botox toxin works by inactivating those muscles and that way causing the wrinkles to disappear or diminish a lot.</p><p>The botox treatment lasts three to six months and it's quite quick to take. After the effect dissapears you can return for a follow-up injection. It's been reported that after a number of injections the effect lasts longer and it might last several months.</p><p>There is one common complication is a slight and temporary drooping of the eyelid. Because botox is used in very small amounts and it doesn't spread in the body you won't have to wait for any healing, you'll be able to return to full activity immediatly.</p><p>Although botox can be used by a lot of people, almost anyone, the breastfeeding or patients who are pregnant or have a neurologic disease should not use botox.</p><p>For more information on botox treatment or botox doctors please visit : <a target="_new" href="http://www.botox-cosmetic-doctors.com">http://www.botox-cosmetic-doctors.com</a>
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
Recovering from Rhinoplasty Surgery
After rhinoplasty surgery, your doctor will send you home with an instruction sheet listing many things to be aware of and take heed of after the surgery and before your next office visit. He'll give you contact numbers to phone in case of any emergency that may arise or if you have any questions or concerns after you've left the office. He'll ask you to keep your head elevated for the next two to three days. That is, if you sleep face down, he'll ask that you consciously make the effort to sleep face up, on your back. This will help reduce the swelling and keep your blood flowing properly throughout the area. A common sensation is a feeling of stuffiness and a desire to blow your nose which you must resist. You'll be breathing through your mouth for a few days and most people describe this as uncomfortable.</p><p>Drink a lot of liquids and keep your talking to a minimum and this will help you get through this unavoidable situation. It is also common to experience a feeling of heaviness on your face. This is common and can be quite easily relieved with some simple pain killers which will also help in the case of any headaches. If you have difficulty sleeping, your doctor may prescribe several days worth of mild sleeping pills but would rather not as they will slow down the healing process just a bit. Rarely do patients have a truly terrible time after rhinoplasty. The adjustments are temporary and the rewards for a job well done far outweigh the minor post surgical inconveniences which can mostly be addressed with simple procedures and medications.</p><p>You can expect discoloring of the skin and tissue surrounding the nose after the surgery. This black and blue look will begin to dissipate within a week or so especially after the splint has been removed. Small amounts of makeup and skin covers may be used as long as they do not irritate the area. Try to avoid putting makeup directly onto the incisions if at all possible to avoid possible infection. During this period, make extra sure that nobody touches your nose or face, that you do not bump your nose, or do anything that could slow down the healing process. Watch out especially for kids who don't mean to hurt you but will display great curiosity about Mommy or Daddy's new nose and pets who just don't know any better. You should also avoid the sun, avoid wearing eyeglasses (use contacts during this period if possible) and try not to rub the nose too hard when you wash your face.</p><p>The most common reaction people have upon seeing their new nose is disappointment. Yes. I said disappointment. Patients, even the most informed ones, expect to see a perfect nose upon removal of the splint and any packing, if used. This will not happen. You can expect to see swelling, sutures (if done externally), bruising, some broken blood vessels and that overall black and blue, just been in a fistfight look, that you did not expect. Relax. In a few days, the swelling will start to go down, the bruising will fade and your new nose will start to emerge. If you've selected the right surgeon and asked for the right changes, you should be pleased in a short period of time with your new look, the new shape of your nose and the new harmony of your face. Remember, your nose will continue to improve slowly for many weeks and even months after the surgical procedure has faded from your memory.</p><p><a target="_new" href="http://www.e-rhinoplasty.com">Rhinoplasty Info</a> provides comprehensive information on preparing for and recovering from rhinoplasty, as well as costs, surgeons, and procedures, including revision rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty Info is the sister site of <a target="_new" href="http://www.e-dentalimplants.com">Dental Implants Web</a>.
The Best Tan is a Sunless Tan!
Never used a sunless tanner? Don't sweat it?it's a no brainer. These products are available in the local pharmacy, department store and/or from your local beauty consultant. They come in many forms; spray-on oil, foam, mousse, lotion, gel and creams. Always test a small area first, on your inner arm for instance. If you are happy with the results, then continue applying to the rest of your body. (You're probably thinking about the time you turned your entire body orange.) Fortunately, today's formulas are an improvement from the products of the past. Most contain a derivative of sugarcane or sugar beets that oxidizes with the top layer of the skin. This gives the skin a realistic looking tan without altering the structure or function of the skin. Since our body naturally sheds the top layer of dead skin cells regularly, you will see your tan fading fast. You will need to re-apply every two to three days, especially if you shower every day. Just refresh as necessary. A word to the wise, don't use your sunless tanner immediately after shaving. Shaving opens up the pores and the product will find its way into those open pores, giving you a polka-dotted appearance. Also, sunless tanners do not provide protection against the sun. Don't get lulled into thinking that the darker you are, the more protected you are! Sunless tanners provide ZERO sun protection. They are strictly cosmetic.</p><p>How to apply: The easiest way for a beginner, would be to use a cream or gel. Mousses, oils or lotions are sometimes difficult to control. Foam mousse dries fast, consequently, it can leave you with stripes, if you don't even it out quickly enough.</p><p>Step One: Exfoliate to remove dead surface skin cells. Since the product lays only on the top layer of your skin, you'll want to gently exfoliate around the coarsest areas like your knees and elbows. Then moisturize those same areas.</p><p>Step Two: Spread out a large towel or drop cloth to protect your floor and/or furniture.</p><p>Step Three: Pin up your hair. Use surgical gloves to protect your palms. (You don't want tanned palms?that's a dead giveaway.)</p><p>Step Four: Start at your feet. Apply using long, even strokes, first up and down, then across for an even distribution. You may need help with those hard to reach areas.</p><p>NOTE: Before applying sunless tanner to your face, make sure it is formulated for use on the face. You want to avoid clogging your pores.</p><p>Step Five: Finish by applying to the backs of your hands. Since your hands generally get washed and dried more frequently than the rest of your body, touch up as necessary.</p><p>Sunless tanners require a bit of practice for a perfectly sun-kissed look. But, your glowing new tan will certainly make your co-workers green with envy.</p><p>Have a Beautiful and Happy New Year!</p><p>I am an Independent Skin Care Consultant. My goal is to help my clients achieve and maintain healthy radiant skin while saving them time and money. For a Free Consultation, e-mail me at <a href="mailto:jbhull@comcast.net">jbhull@comcast.net</a>.
The Best Self Tanning Lotion
Jeremy was the kind of guy who always wanted the best of everything. He spent his days searching internet consumer opinion sites to determine who made the best omelet, which was the best high speed internet service, and who created the best looking web sites. He was heavily influenced by the opinions of others and as long as it was considered the best ? whatever ? he had to have it. Of course he decided at some point that he had to have the best tan and he set out on a bit of a quest to find the best self tanning lotion.</p><p>Self tanning is essentially the acquisition of a "fake tan," achieved by using a self tanning or "sunless tanning" lotion. For Jeremy, only the best self tanning lotion would do. Even though the tan wasn't necessarily the best (it was fake, after all), but as long as others thought it was the best tan, that was all that mattered to Jeremy. As I mentioned, the opinions of others meant a great deal to him.</p><p>As Jeremy searched for the best self tanning lotion he went through all kinds of trial and error tests. The first one he managed to discover was the old Coppertone QT ? Quick Tanning Lotion. He knew that Coppertone was one of the best brands in tanning for a very long time and that QT was the first ever self tanning lotion, introduced in 1960. He decided that if it was the first it must be the best. He was wrong, as anyone who has ever seen the results of QT can attest to. This stuff turned him as orange as an Oompa Loompa. He used some of the best soap and the hottest water he could stand to wash it off. He continued trying different brands and styles of self tanning lotions, convinced he would one day find the best self tanning lotion available anywhere.</p><p>Some may think that Jeremy's search was in vain. How would he know when he found the best lotion? Self tanning lotions all do pretty much the same thing and act in more or less the same way (with the exception of the old QT ? self tanning technology has advanced quite a bit since then) and "the best" must surely be a matter of opinion in many cases. That was really the point, however, as far as Jeremy was concerned. As long as he could deem it the best himself, it wouldn't matter what anyone else thought. Happily, Jeremy did indeed find the best lotion. Self tanning became something he would do every few days for most of the rest of his life since he'd spent so much time in his search. Which lotion did Jeremy deem the best? I honestly don't know. His search made him a little bitter and cynical. Every time I asked him what the best self tanning lotion was he'd tell me to go find it myself.</p><p>Abe Gardea is a full-time freelance writer and a contributor to <a target="_new" href="http://tanning-beds-n-tanning-lotions.com">http://tanning-beds-n-tanning-lotions.com</a>
Should I Have A Face Lift?
Good question! A face lift is major surgery and surgery means blood, mess, discomfort, stitches and time out to recover. A face lift is expensive too.</p><p>There are risks to consider, one is hematoma when the blood collects under the skin and has to be surgically removed. Damage to the nerves that control your facial muscles is another although this is less common. Slow healing time can also be a problem although this is found mainly in smokers. Oh! and don't forget the usual risks that are involved with anesthesia.</p><p>On the plus side, the effects of a face lift are quite dramatic. It is without a doubt the fastest and most permanent way of shedding your 'old' face and regaining some of that youthful beauty you were born with..</p><p>If you've considered these things and decided that the final outcome is worth it, then proceed, but first please ask yourself these questions.</p><p>Why do I want a facelift?</p><p>Am I doing this because its going to help me find the job that I really want?</B> This is a valid reason for going ahead. It shouldn't matter to those that hire people how old the applicant is or what they look like, but in the real world we know that these things do play a part. If you have a job that has a lot of public exposure, this may also be a good reason to proceed.</p><p>Am I doing this because my partner wants me to? Red alert! Never let anyone else talk you into having a facelift. It is a very personal decision and one only you should make. Ask yourself why are you with someone who values you only for your appearance. Honor yourself, you are more than your face! Perhaps you should be working on your relationship and leaving your face alone!</p><p>I'm thirty five and have lots of wrinkles around my eyes and cheeks, and my neck is all mottled</p><p>A face lift won't help this situation. You are better off exploring the avenue of laser resurfacing or even chemical peels, they will strip the old layer of skin off and reveal a smoother younger appearance. It sounds like you have a lot of sun damage, get educated on the use of sunblock! Its everybody's most important cosmetic.</p><p>I'm depressed and don't feel good about myself. Maybe a facelift will help me feel better?</p><p>It may for a little while, but it sounds like you have a self esteem problem. Learn to love yourself the way you are first. Then if you still feel a facelift would give your morale a boost, go ahead.</p><p>I'm in my early fifties and notice my face is starting to sag quite badly. I can afford the surgery and reckon I might just do this for myself. A good idea, you've thought it through and decided its something you want not something you need.</p><p>Find a professional surgeon in your area and follow all his/her advice on how to prepare for your face lift. Don't forget to mention any medication you are taking and if you are a smoker, stop two weeks before surgery is scheduled. It will speed your recovery time. Good luck!</p><p>=========================================================================</p><p>Wendy Owen has had a lifetime interest in skin care, skin health and general health. She is in her fifties and still has a great skin. Advice on skin care may be found at: <a target="_new" href="http://www.holistic-facial-skin-care.com">http://www.holistic-facial-skin-care.com</a>
Radio Frequency Energy Fans Thermacool
I guess you wouldn't think that radio frequency energy would be making waves in the beauty industry? But, it is. A device that uses RFE is being used in the Thermalcool procedure. If you don't know what Thermacool is, then you haven't had your ear to the station. Thermacool is the new non-surgical procedure that gives men and women a healthy alternative to surgical facelifts. The process tightens your skin by contracting the deep layers of skin. Thermacool is also known on the market as Thermalift and Thermage. Let's call it Thermacool because it sounds hip.</p><p>Two thumbs up! That's the rating The Food and Drug Administration is giving Thermacool. The FDA's approval is leading to the procedures widespread use. Doctors and their patients believe Thermcool irons out wrinkles and reduces sagging skin. The face is the best place to use Thermacool, however it is used on the neck and arms as well. It is a good treatment anywhere there is loose skin. Some folks are using it under the arms and to treat stretch marks on the abdomen and hips.</p><p>60-Year Old Lynn Shores had a treatment six months ago and is looking forward to having another one in about three more months. She says, "I was looking twice my age! I had the procedure done because I wanted to look younger and prettier in my face." Shores began to see results about two months after having the treatment. She is among a growing number of people who believe the benefits of Thermacool far outweigh the risks. Thermacool may cause some discomfort but the risk of surgery, anesthesia and scarring are less than with surgical procedures. In fact, some people say the procedure really doesn't hurt that much at all.</p><p>So you may be wondering how does it work? It takes anywhere from thirty to forty five minutes to complete the Thermacool procedure. Most patients' only need a topical anesthetic cream placed on the face. Your technician will do that about an hour before the treatment is scheduled to begin. Other people may need Valium or some other kind of oral sedative. "I was just so jittery about having it done, says 35 year old Marc Thompson. I didn't know if it would improve my appearance or make it worst. I guess men are just not supposed to try these things, but I took my wife's recommendation." Thermacool is not any different from any other surgical procedure if you need a stronger sedative, you'll need an anesthesiologist to administer the dose.</p><p>As I mentioned, Thermacool uses radio frequency energy to apply heat under the epidermis or top layer of the skin. The heat is applied directly into the dermis layer. The dermis layer is right under the epidermis. I could feel a warming on my face. It felt unusual. I couldn't do anything but lay still," says Tonya Morgan.</p><p>You'll want to lay still too as the heat causes the tissue in the dermis layer to warm up. This controlled heating of deeper layers of skin and tissue causes the skin to contract and tighten. This is known as volumetric tissue heating. There is some pain every time there is a pulse, but a cooling spray brings some relief after each pulse.</p><p>The volumetric tissue heating causes the collagen underneath the skin tissue to contract and shrink. At the same time, the top layer of the skin is kept cool by cryogen cooling. Cryogen cooling keeps the temperature on the surface of the skin cool while the dermis tissues are heated up. The heating action causes two reactions. The first result is an increased thickness in the top layer of skin. It's the heating that actually causes works to reduce the wrinkles.</p><p>The second result is collagen remolding and the production of new collagen. The skin continues to tighten over time as the skin heals. You may be able to see a difference in your appearance immediately. However, it takes most people up to six months to see a difference. It is possible for the procedure to be repeated again after six months. You should let your technicians take before and after pictures to help you see any subtle changes.</p><p>Now, you're probably wondering whether Thermacool, Thermage and Thermalift are right for you. Patient's who live on a pacemaker cannot undergo the procedure; it's just too risky. You may want to pass on the procedure if your skin is really, really loose. Surgery may be your only hope. However, Thermacool works best in combination with laser treatments, Botox, resytlane, and collagen injections. Traditional eye, forehead and eyebrow surgeries also work well with Thermacool.</p><p>Research shows Thermacool works! If it didn't the FDA wouldn't have given it a nod. Patients wouldn't have issued a strong endorsement either. "I've never felt better about myself. I know most people would be afraid to try a procedure like this, but not me! I'm all for looking younger and healthier. The best part is how good I feel about me," says Shores.</p><p>About The Author</p><p>Barry A. S. Lycka is an internationally known cosmetic dermatologist and surgeon who practices in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada where he has worked from 1989. Recently, Dr. Lycka was chosen as Alberta's Dream Makeover Doctor. For more information you can visit his website at <a href="http://www.BarryLyckaMD.com" target="_new">http://www.BarryLyckaMD.com</a>.
วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
The Manicure - More than Pretty Nails!
Pretty and well cared for hands are more than a delight to the eye. In the business world the two things often considered the most important in presenting yourself, are a good pair of shoes and well-groomed hands. Our hands say a lot about us and well-groomed hands make a good impression. Business and social occasions often require us to meet and greet colleagues and acquaintances. The first thing we do when we met someone is hold out a hand to greet the person.</p><p>Taking care of your hands with a regular manicure will add more than style to your appearance; it will also keep your hands well-groomed and prepared for all occasions. Whether you choose a full spa manicure or opt for an at-home treatment you need to follow a few guidelines to ensure that your hands are your best assets.</p><p>The manicure: Ultimate pampering at home or at the spa</p><p>1. At home or at the spa start with a comfortable place to sit. Soak each hand in a bowl filled with warm water and perhaps a few drops of your favourite aromatherapy oil.</p><p>2. Remove hands from the water and dry with a clean towel. Carefully clip and file the nails and clean gently around the cuticle area. Rinse hands and gently pat dry.</p><p>3. While the hands are still moist apply a light scrub to exfoliate the dead skin. Rinse the hands again in the warm water and wipe completely dry.</p><p>4. Apply a good moisturiser or lotion to the hands and wrists. This is a good time to enjoy a relaxing hand massage. Allow the moisturiser to penetrate.</p><p>5. Leave fingernails natural or apply nail polish.</p><p>Handy Notes: One of the very best ways to care for your nails is to eat a healthy diet. Boitin rich foods such as eggs, soy, whole grains and liver are reputed to promote healthy nails. Foods rich in sulphur minerals like apples, cucumbers, grapes, garlic and onions are also a must for strong nail growth. The essentials oils in salmon, seeds, nuts and tuna all help to keep nail shiny and pliable. A daily moisturiser will prevent those ragged cuticles and hangnails.</p><p>Spas in Canada Copyright 2005</p><p>Angie Kocsi is co-founder of <a target="_new" href="http://www.spasincanada.ca">http://www.spasincanada.ca</a> After many years enjoying spas in Europe and drawing upon her knowledge of the corporate world along with an successful career in Public Relations and International Marketing <A target="_new" href="http://www.spasincanada.ca">Spas in Canada</A> was created.</p><p>The <A target="_New" href="http://www.spasincanada.ca">Spas in Canada</A> website provides a place where premier spas and industry professionals offer useful information and links for all spa lovers everywhere.
Sun Protection
The skin has a defence mechanism against sun-damage, in the form of melanin. The production of melanin is accelerated on sun-exposure. However, we have seen that this defence is not enough. That is why protection of the skin, with ingredients that block the sun's radiation damage, is so essential. These sun-block agents are incorporated into 'sunscreens'.</p><p>Avoidance of the sun, specially at midday and in the afternoon, when ultraviolet radiation is at its height, can help to reduce the harmful effects. It is also essential to know that ultraviolet radiation is greater near water bodies, like the seaside and where there is snow. Snow, water and even sand reflect the ultraviolet reays and thus increase their rffect.</p><p>Exposure to the sun also causes moisture depletion and dries out the skin. Therefore, it is essential to step-up moisturisation, when you have been out of doors for a long time. The use of rehydrant cleansers, which contains aloe vera, can also help to control moisture loss. Aloe vera, like sandalwood, also helps to soothe and heal the skin.</p><p>When you are swimming in the sea, or in an open-air pool, remember to apply sunscreen before and after your swim.</p><p>Protect yourself with a parasol whenever you are out in the sun.</p><p>Remember, you are exposed to ultraviolet radiation even on a cloudy day.</p><p>More about sun care: <a href="http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/suncare.htm" target="_new">http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/suncare.htm</a></p><p>About The Author</p><p>Nitin Jain</p><p>For <a href="http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com" target="_new">www.ultimate-cosmetics.com</a></p><p>Get more articles on beauty: <a href="http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/beauty/articles/index.htm" target="_new">http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/beauty/articles/index.htm</a>
No Flab With That Blouse is So Necessary
<p> <br> A guide to toning up flabby arms</P> <P>by Cathy Gatson<BR>With Spring in the air and Summer just around the corner?it will soon be time to "change clothes and go"?sleeveless. If you've been shopping lately, you may have noticed many of the blouses, tops and dresses for Spring/Summer are haltered, strapless, or sleeveless, exposing lots of skin. The styles are sexy but flabby arms are not. If the backs of your arms are waving in the wind, then here are the most recommended and easiest exercises that I've found to improve muscle tone to your arms, shoulders and chest just in time for Spring. </P> <P>The muscles you want to target are:<BR>Biceps - located at the top of your upper arm. Clench your fist and make a muscle, the bump that should appear is your bicep.<BR>Triceps - located at the back and below your upper arm.<BR>Pectoralis Major & Minor - chest muscles</P> <P>Push ups are a tried and true exercise which work the triceps, chest, and shoulders. You may modify the traditional push up by both knees on the floor rather than straightening them behind you. Place your hands on the floor in front of you, shoulder width apart and push your upper body away. Go at a pace that works for you but be consistent. Gradually increasing your reps. No need to go the gym for this exercise. You can drop and do 20 right before you climb into bed. <BR>Kim King, head strength and conditioning coach for Olympic Sports at the University of Pittsburgh, suggests the following exercises: <BR>Dumbbell triceps curl <BR>? Stand erect with back straight and feet shoulder width apart.<BR>? Hold dumbbell (if weights are not available substitute weights with 32 oz. waterbottles) in right hand and raise overhead with arm extended.<BR>? Keep upper arm close to head and perpendicular to the floor.<BR>? Slowly lower dumbbell behind head until forearm touches (nears) bicep.<BR>? Raise dumbbell to starting position and repeat movement.<BR>? Inhale when lowering dumbbell, exhale when raising (extending) arm upward.<BR>? Repeat with opposite arm. This exercise can also be done while seated.<BR>Dumbbell triceps extension <BR>? Stand holding dumbbell in your right hand with palm facing in.<BR>? Bend forward until your back is nearly parallel to the floor.<BR>? Position left hand on left knee.<BR>? Position upper right arm against side (parallel to ground) with lower arm vertical to ground.<BR>? Press dumbbell back until arm parallel to floor.<BR>? Pause for a moment, then lower dumbbell slowly to starting position, then repeat.<BR>? Inhale when raising dumbbell, exhale when lowering. Repeat with opposite arm. <BR>Hammer bicep curl <BR>? Stand erect with feet shoulder-width apart.<BR>? Hold a light dumbbell in each hand with arms extended down and palms facing inward.<BR>? Keep upper arms tight against ribs and perpendicular to the floor.<BR>? Raise one dumbbell at a time by flexing the arm at the elbow.<BR>? Curl movement should bring dumbbell in line with the shoulder.<BR>? Lower dumbbell slowly until elbow is fully extended.<BR>? Repeat with opposite arm.<BR>? Exhale during upward movement; inhale during downward phase. <BR> According to the fitness manager at 24 Hour Fitness at Hilltop, Izaac Tyrell, the most effective way to reduce weight is "by eating a balanced diet (consisting of carbs, protein and a little fat), doing cardio-vascular exercises in combination with weight training". <BR>Izaak reiterated what I've read in countless health magazines which is there is no "spot reduction" way to reduce fat in other words, there is no quick fix to flab-less arms! </P> <P>If done correctly, the exercises mentioned, will yield noticeable results but only if incorporated with cardio exercises and a low fat, nutritious diet. Start now and by summer you should be able to brush your shoulders off and wave flabby arms goodbye!</P> <P>Resources: For more information on weight loss, and exercise, The Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed by Brad Callen e-book has great fat burning tips and cardio exercise programs (<A target="_new" href="http://www.free-weight-loss-resources.com">www.free-weight-loss-resources.com</A>). Another great resource for nutrition and exercise tips is <A target="_new" href="http://www.ivillage.com">www.ivillage.com</A>. Winsor Pilates video available at Target for $29.95 an awesome program designed to tone and sculpt your entire body and help you lose weight. Tamilee Webb's, "I Want Those Arms" a good video for beginners to intermediate excercisers. available on VHS for $14.95 <A target="_new" href="http://www.collagevideo.com">www.collagevideo.com</A><BR></P><p>Cathy Gatson is a freelance writer and owner/operator of Yada Beauty Lounge, a hair and body salon in Northern California.
A Guide to Beauty Salon Equipment
Beauty salon equipment is a broad term that applies to various pieces of equipment all having uniquely different functions within the beauty industry. The type of beauty salon equipment found within a salon's doors is best determined by what services the salon offers its clients.</p><p>Most beauty salons offer basic hair cutting and hair styling services. The basic beauty salon equipment necessary to provide these services consists of hair styling chairs, wash basins, hair dryers and supply trolleys. Basic types of salon equipment are available through a large number of suppliers that offer it at a low cost. This "low end" type of beauty salon equipment is simplistic with no added features that can be costly.</p><p>Due to popular demand, many salons are expanding to offer day spa services to their clients. Day spa services aim to pamper the client and assist them in the pursuit of mental relaxation. Day spa services often include manicures, pedicures, tanning, skin care, waxing, and massage. These services all require the use of specific equipment. This beauty salon equipment is also readily available through a variety of suppliers, many of whom have elaborate e-commerce Web sites and online catalogs that allow a customer to make quick cost comparisons between suppliers.</p><p>Day spa equipment tends to include various features that enhance client comfort and provide relaxation. The cost of day spa equipment can be extremely varied. When purchased new, items such as tanning booths, tanning beds, and pedicure spas can cost thousands of dollars. To save money, a salon owner may choose to purchase used beauty salon equipment. There are many suppliers who specialize only in offering quality used beauty salon equipment. If a consumer conducts sufficient product research and ensures they are purchasing used beauty salon equipment from a reputable supplier, they can obtain equipment at tremendous cost savings. The money saved can then be invested in their business and used to attract new clients.</p><p><a target="_new" href="http://www.e-salonequipment.com">Salon Equipment Info</a> provides detailed information about beauty, hair, nail, tanning salon equipment, as well as wholesale and discount salon equipment. Salon Equipment Info is the sister site of <a target="_new" href="http://www.e-hairextensions.com">Hair Extensions Web</a>.
The Benefits of Human Hair Extensions
Several different types of hair extensions are available, including those made from human hair, animal hair, and synthetic fibers. Most experts agree that human hair extensions are the best and most natural looking. With human hair extensions, wearers are not locked into a particular color or style. The extensions can be washed, colored, and styled just like your own natural hair. Such a wide variety of human hair extensions are available that stylists can easily match the color and texture of your own hair with.</p><p>With expert selection, professional application, and conscientious care, human hair extensions are virtually indistinguishable from your own natural hair.</p><p>Human hair extensions are available in two basic formats -- strands and wefts. The strands format involves adding small sections of hair to your existing hair. Wefts are large clumps of hair attached at the top. Human hair extensions can be applied in a variety of ways. One popular method is to sew the extensions into small cornrows. Professionals will often sew strands with subtle color variations -- this tends to give the extensions a more natural look. Hair extensions can also be weaved, braided, fused, clamped, or glued.</p><p>Beyond the different formats, there are also large varieties of hair types available. Hair from most regions of the world is available, including Asia, Europe, and the Arctic. Arctic hair is chemically untreated, also known as raw or virgin. This hair is considered the best as it is most open to coloring, perming, and styling.</p><p>If you are considering adding human hair extensions to your hair, seek a licensed cosmetologist for consultation. It is also a good idea to check references or the stylist's portfolio.</p><p><a target="_new" href="http://www.e-hairextensions.com">Hair Extensions Info</a> provides detailed information about human, fusion, clip-on, and wholesale hair extensions, as well as hair extension sales, prices, and more. Hair Extensions Info is the sister site of <a target="_new" href="http://www.e-salonequipment.com">Salon Equipment Web</a>.
วันศุกร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
Clean Your Face With Ultra Botanicals Facial Cleanser
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วันพุธที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
Dont Let Your Kanji Tattoo Get Lost In Translation
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Self Tanning - Affordable and Easy To Do
Sunless tanning has many advantages over the traditional Sunday tan. Some people are incapable of tanning because their melanocytes were not in working order. Sunless tanning avoids this problem because it does not require melanocytes. The active ingredient in many supplies Sunless tanning is dihydroxyacetone [DHA]. DHA saturates the dead cells on the surface of the outermost layer of skin, so that the dead cells brown (or tan). Sunless tanning is completely safe. It is a myth that sun tanning is not safe. FDA in 1970, which prohibits tanning pills are completely different from the sun tanners on the market today. Today, products Sunless tanning is safe even for children (always consult your doctor before using any product, as you know any allergic reactions you or your child in May). The good thing about sunless tanning is that tanning is temporary. They typically last five to seven days after it takes off and gradually become brighter. It's perfect for people who visit a marriage and want a good tan! Another advantage of sunless tanning is the Sunday immediately expertise. You do not need to begin working on a tan months in advance. You can also control how it is with dark brown color without the sun. One of the best benefits of sunless tanning is that you do not like lines, is in the sun. Many women do sunless tanning for this benefit! Go tanning in a tanning salon is expensive, Sunless tanning is good for. Many pharmacies have a store brand of car that works well and Tanner as good as many of the more expensive items. Finally, do not do it alone. Many of your friend and sunless tanning, sometimes together for part of tanning. These sections of tanning is increasingly popular and more tanners leisure. http://www.2tanningbed.com/ http://www.2tanningbed.com/ All information on the needs http://www.2tanningbed.com sunbeds and tanning http://www.2tanningbed. No
Removing Unwanted Body Hair Permanently & Safely?
Men and women have unwanted hair on the body. Everybody wants to be healthy and energetic. It can be done in several ways, depending on the amount of hair on the body. It was found that almost 80% of women and about 50% of men are under way for hair removal, in one form or another. Facial hair removal is more popular among men and women. Hair in the hands, legs, arms, under the bikini area, face and eyebrows are often practiced today. Sports people go for hair removal, as they reduce wind resistance and improve their competitive speeds. It is a report saying that the rooms are waxing more and more men and more customers to remove hair. Various devices to be used for hair removal in various parts of the body. Waxing, sugaring, electrolysis, and most are the best methods for permanent body hair removal. Laser treatments are also used for permanent body hair removal. Waxing is a method of hair removal wax used in a deadly, and then a strip of cotton is rubbing on wax in the direction of hair growth. Waxing and sugaring is body hair removal for men. Waxing removes hair roots, and thus the regrowth of hair on the surface, are eliminated from 6 to 8 weeks. After hair removal by waxing, even if it grows hair is thin and is frugal in the region. There is not much hair in the region. When more than waxing can let their hair permanently. Using an inhibitor of male body hair growth after hair removal hair removal is usually done to reduce hair growth in the region. Then, the band of cotton will be eliminated in the opposite direction of hair growth for permanent body hair removal. Sugar is also a method used for permanent hair removal. The difference is that the sugar paste instead of removing wax. If a person is or waxing using sugars, it is recommended to use an inhibitor of hair growth to remove the hair to prevent hair growth or reduce the growth of hair. Most athletes participating in sports like swimming and cycling opt for permanent hair removal of the body, as a permanent body hair removal to improve their speed by reducing friction in the air. There are many devices that are used for permanent body hair removal. Each device comes with its own functionality and ease of use with an affordable price. Electrolysis and laser treatments to remove hair from the skin. In these methods the hair follicle is destroyed, so that hair does not grow again. Electrolysis method of using needles to deliver electricity to the hair follicles. The electrical current creates chemical changes or to generate heat to damage the hair follicles. In a laser treatment laser beams are directed at hair follicles to destroy it. Laser treatments are expensive compared to other methods of hair removal. If you need more information about body hair removal PLS visit http://www.natural-treatment-guide.com/hairremoval/hairremoval-intro.html http://www.natural- treatment-guide.com/hairremoval / intro.html-hairremoval For more information on the various methods used to remove hair permanently and safely, please visit: http://www http: / / www.natural-treatment-guide.com/hairremoval/permanent-hairremoval system. html ** Warning .natural-treatment-guide.com/hairremoval/permanent-hairremoval-system.html Webmaster / site owners ** You can write this article on your site, provided they do not change any content And our resources - case as above with all links and hyperlinks intact correctly.
Teeth Whitening: Home Treatments Not Without Some Risk
Before we begin to whiten your teeth, consider that there is a danger if you do not use toothpaste. Both professional and home treatment which exposes a low risk of oral cancer, either in the gums or the tongue. Dangers these days, is fortunately very low. The biggest problem will probably meet the treatment at home is bad for teeth and gums. Just be prepared for this discomfort for about a month because of tooth enamel is stripped and bleached. If you have sensitive teeth, May you want to consult a professional before beginning treatment. Have toothbrush Whitening treatments work? It is a question I asked a couple of times recently. From my research, which looks a little work, but it would probably be less favorable option in my laundering. It is the easiest way. Brush has just appeared in the night .. and quickly, white teeth. Unfortunately, this is not as simple as saliva on the teeth and part of the formula is friction leaving a patchy performance. Many brush on products also contain glycerin that lead to extreme sensitivity. If I review a home, I tend to favor the home Tooth whitening kits that use the mouth and a special gel tray. New products available to enable the guards to be shaped to fit your teeth perfect. Sometimes I think you get what you pay for, but I Home Kit whitening teeth for much less than you want to pay for a professional treatment. Just do not expect to see in the mirror and see a result Extreme Makeover! Two of the most common variations are Crest White Strips and Colgate Simply White. Crest White Strips are almost invisible adhesive strips that are used twice daily for 30 minutes to an hour. Colgate Simply White Night is a gel that is brushed their teeth at bedtime. The researchers found that both methods work, but often are not receiving the full benefit of their whitening kits because it is stopping its use before the recommended time. Therefore, if you have some of these methods of money laundering for a trial? Stick with it. Home care, treatments such as lemon juice. It is an acid and can damage teeth and can cause cavities and irreparably damaged tooth enamel. The reason why they think the lemon juice to whiten teeth that causes teeth to lose calcium (which receive the teeth of some of their white). Calcium is an important component of healthy teeth, and once it is lost, teeth become very vulnerable to cavities. DO NOT use lemon juice to bleach. Author Antony Wilton is an Australian who investigated the tooth whitening and other procedures for a number of years. The periodic reports that are available on its popular Web site http://www.zoomwhiteteeth.com http://www.zoomwhiteteeth.com
Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses - More Style, Same Utility
At one point, advertising on television has announced a new, more sexy if you chose to lose his glasses and pop in a pair of contact lenses. This image has always been shown in the Superman comics, television and films. It is also a bit geek or a normal speed, but when the glasses out - it's Superman. Fortunately, the image of glasses and leaders who pushed into the uncomfortable, the nerd gear last ten years have begun to adopt the glass of fashion, functional necessity, they have been. The differences between the glasses and contact lenses are more related to issues of personal comfort in the image. The arguments can be made in support of contact lenses. For example, contact lenses are used directly in the eye that allows natural vision without glasses distortion that some users experience in May because of the small difference between the objective and glasses. There is always a constant awareness of managers, as well as reflections on the back of the lens. While most wearing glasses are used in this way barely noticed the difference is more pronounced when switching between contacts and glasses. Glasses can fog when the temperature changes, and can be a distraction during physical activity, especially sport where you do not want to break their glasses. None of these contacts suffer. Maybe with tinted lenses of glasses which enable them to be functional sunglasses, but wears contact lenses can choose any pair of sunglasses as they want. Particularly for contact lenses to coordinate with everything in the closet. But for all their differences, both require attention and good cleaning. Both correct astigmatism (irregularly shaped Hinnen horn) and modern technology, which are very reasonable. A new pair of glasses and a new pair of contacts is comparable in price from the same recipe. The decision between contacts or glasses is no longer associated with a social stigma or social image, but rather the image, and we hope that the draft world. It is all dependent on this modern day that makes you feel comfortable and look great. Discover important advice and information on contact lenses. Is soft or hard better? What is the best cleaning solutions? For a complete guide, then http://www.contact-lenses-special.com/ http://www.contact-lenses-special.com/
วันอังคารที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
Home Spas: Theyre Not Just For The Rich & Famous Anymore!
Aaah, a spa. I used to be that you need a mansion in Hollywood the same idea, but now, home spas are presented everything you see, and with reason. The basis for all ooh-ing and aah-ING when people settle in their soaking in the Hot Springs is hydrotherapy or cure , which was made famous by the Greek Hippocrates, the father of medicine in the 4th century BC. He often prescribed bathing and drinking spring water for their medical benefits. Soak in Hot Springs is another favorite Greek, which was quickly taken over by the Romans who built thousands of public toilets which was the forerunner of the modern spa at home! Although the number one official because of the significant increase in the construction of the spa is home to relieve overworked muscles and suck the effect of stress caused by our hectic lifestyles, spas to home is also an excellent tool for socialization because many people have found over the years. Having access to seaside resorts of origin means that even if the parties could start in the rooms, which often end up in the spa room with soft music, low light, a little wine or alcohol and a large quantity relaxation. Swimwear, of course, is optional, depending on house rules! Today, home spas are forms, colors and sizes to suit all tastes, budget and space available. From integrated into a laptop, if you like, be sure you want to change! They are not the size of the host family with many spas seats until the comfortable room that only fit two. The latest models of home spas include a wide range of lighting, music, running water and seating options. Seating options should not be overlooked. You want May to salon style that you can aspire to full tilt, or you may choose the bank or the type of chair seats to accommodate more people. You can also get a floating remote control to bring the music and lighting levels with the jet pressure and temperature. Home spas can be placed almost anywhere that you have the space and access to water and electricity. Home spa portable can be established and moved with relative ease. Some people choose to have them installed in a bathroom or bedroom, others are turning a veranda or Sunday at a spa room. Inside or outside, cold or hot, Hot Springs is home relaxing and enjoyable way to get rid of him sucking Ailsa or you know someone who has a little better. Although home spas are low maintenance, is not no maintenance. Usually you can find everything you need to know about the maintenance of the spa clean and hygienic by Reading the manual that accompanies or local control of pool and spa store. Here are some important safety tips for users of home spas: Read and follow all maintenance and operations manual for full. Chemical poisoning or electric shock, while unlikely, can cause if you can not follow the instructions. Never leave the water temperature exceeds 104F (40C) not only enjoy the spa. You can fall asleep and drown. Never use the spa, if you are pregnant. Never use the spa if you're drunk. Consult your doctor if you take drugs before using the spa. You should always close the door of the spa when not in use. Children and animals can fall and drown. Forget expensive memberships to health. You do not use them. Not when home spas start as low as $ 600 and can be installed in a day or less! Credit: Mike Jones for BodyFAQ.com, health, body and beauty information site. Click here for more information on Botox is for you: http://www.bodyfaq.com/botox.html target = _blank http://www.bodyfaq.com/ botox . html
Skin Care: Organic, Natural or Scientifically Advanced ? Which is Best?
At a time when fear of the water millions of impurities from drinking water in bottles, and concerns about genetically engineered corn was seeking other sources of natural food, many of also wonder what kind of products used for skin care healthy. We are alarmed by the new world that seemingly life, and at first glance think May biological or natural is the way forward - that the word organic and natural itself and generate visions of a time when life was simple, pure and healthy. This fear often ask us to the diversity of organic or publications promoting natural life, but when you look into its pages, the barrage of information can be overwhelming. Soya beans are very good for us, and if they have to eat five pounds a day to see any advantage? Lemon juice can contribute to the age points bleach, but it is what is really healthy for our skin acid? Ginseng can relieve wrinkles, and if so, why not skin-care company in the world are using it as an ingredient? The truth of the matter is: Organic and Natural Skincare promotions can not count on in a vacuum, nor any other information about our health. It is logical to assume that many substances that are indigenous part of the natural world around us is very beneficial for health, but we'll use a little common sense. We have a brain to examine, discuss and research with good reason. This is where research comes from the party. Unfortunately, the high-profile abuse of pharmaceutical companies and others have somewhat tarnished the word science in our society, but we must recognize that scientific research are more successful than his lack of credit. The industry skin care in particular has relied on scientific research with great success, in part because ingredients account for the products of skin care can be examined without the high risks associated with domestic products which do occur. Faced with research that examines not only the benefits, safety and efficacy of natural ingredients, but also explores how these ingredients can be improved if we give care products skin healthy as possible, give us the best of both worlds? sound natural approach that results in skin care the most advanced possible. The answer to the question posed in the title of this article is for the way we think about this: Should we eat the mold to cure an infection? Absolutely not, but we even use the benefits of penicillin is a completely different story. Copyright? 2005 Alfa-Alfa-Ward Ward Burnie Burns is a cancer survivor and co-founder of the skin resolved, the skin care devoted to achieving the health of the skin using scientifically advanced skin care with natural ingredients. You can contact Alpha http://www.skinsolved.com http://www.skinsolved.com
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