วันพุธที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Look Better, Feel Better

>Yikes! It's that me, I though after seeing my reflection. What happened? I feel like a different person and I am right. I went from being a single, ambitious young woman to a loving wife, mother and entrepreneur. All this new roles that I have acquire through life, leave me with more responsibilities and less time on my hands.

So, does this mean I have to sacrifice my physical appearance? I don't think so! Who says that moms can't be trendy or simply look more put together.

Just to make things clear, I am not talking about wearing over revealing clothes, expending every single penny on shopping sprees or basing your whole existence on the way you look.

My advice is to just make time for improving your overall appearance. Even if you are a stay at home mom, make sure you get up a couple of minutes before the kids and do your hair, apply some lotion and don't just wear worn out t shirt, sweat pants etc.

What ever your beauty routine is just make time for it. It is a proven fact, looking better will help you feel better and influence those around you.

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine <a target="_new" href="http://kpatra.com">http://kpatra.com</a> "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics".

Email: <a href="mailto:eniamorales@kpatra.com">eniamorales@kpatra.com</a>

Trends in Gift Giving ? Jewelry a Timeless Favorite

In times of rapid change, constants lend comfort to our lives. Since ancient times, jewelry has been one of the most popular gifts to give and to receive, and it still ranks among the top gifts as a universal, particularly pearls and birthstones. Jewelry ranks just beneath flowers as the gift that says "I love you," and it ranks just above flowers as a gift to convey that the recipient is someone special. A gift of jewelry delights the recipient and evokes a genuine smile.

It's the Style?

It's not the price; it's the style that determines whether your gift of jewelry is received in the same spirit in which it is given. To give jewelry that delights, match the gift to the recipient's style. Jewelry is one area where you cannot give a gift that you would love to own. Your idea of a fashionable bauble may be another's idea of junk. Is the intended's style casual or more formal, traditional or contemporary? You wouldn't give a Swatch watch to your great-grandmother any more than you would give a diamond tennis bracelet to your Goth niece. Select a compatible style and your gift will stand out among the recipient's favorites and ensure that the gift never finds its way to the regifting closet.

The Many Faces of Pearls

Any woman over the age of 30 appreciates a fine strand of pearls. They're elegant, timeless, and suitable for most occasions. Think back to your favorite old movies; most leading ladies wore pearls at some point during the movie.

Pearls are the only gemstone created within another living organism. Natural pearls are grown without any human intervention when a speck of sand or other irritant lodges itself inside an oyster. Deteriorating environmental conditions have rendered natural pearls all but obsolete.

Cultured pearls have quickly filled the void. The only difference between a natural pearl and a cultured pearl is that human intervention is required to place the irritant inside the oyster shell. By controlling the size and shape of the irritant as well as the environmental factors, cultured pearls guarantee greater quality control. You'll find pearls in many hues ranging from white South Sea pearls to black Tahitian pearls, and covering a lot of territory in between: pink, green, blue and ivory.

Freshwater pearls sport a combination of interesting shapes and hues not usually found in saltwater varieties. Freshwater pearls come from Chinese rivers and lakes where the Hyriopsis cumingi mussels can produce 50 pearls at once. They are usually less expensive than saltwater pearls, but no less elegant than their saltwater counterpart.


Precious and semi-precious gems linked to birthdays date as far back as the 15th century. Unlike today, early birthstones were linked to the signs of the Zodiac instead of to calendar months. Almost everyone appreciates a birthstone, and it shows that you actually put some thought into the gift. Many people believe that wearing their birthstone protects them and brings them good luck. When giving a birthstone as a gift, think beyond rings to bracelets, pendants, earrings, pins and chokers.

The chart below contains the official modern birthstones, as established in 1912 by the National Association of Jewelers. Some birthstones have many legends associated with them; you'll find a brief summary below. This official list applies only to the United States. Several other birthstone lists exist, such as the mystical birthstones, which originated in Tibet and the Ayurvedic birthstones, which originated in India.

Month Birthstone

January Garnet

-Associated with blood, garnet provides victory, protection from injury and health and brings constancy

February Amethyst

-Said to have been worn by St. Valentine, amethyst signifies spirituality and sincerity

March Aquamarine

-The stone of serenity and courage, also associated with water

April Diamond

-Banishes evil, promotes goodness, improves financial situations - the world's favorite precious gem also signifies pure and eternal love, innocence

May Emerald

-Brings harmony, the stone of life and renewal, love and success

June Pearl

-Purity, chastity and modesty, health and longevity

July Ruby

-Devotion, integrity and success - contentment

August Peridot

-Dignity, success and fame ? married happiness

September Sapphire

-Clears the mind and brings prosperity and clear thinking

October Opal

-Happiness, beauty, love, magic - hope

November Topaz

-Brings wisdom and strength of mind, fidelity

December Turquoise

-Good fortune and prosperity

Enclose a card with the gift explaining the meaning of the birthstone. While most people know their birthstone, few know the significance attached to it.

If you want to give jewelry as a gift, but you're at a loss for what to give, pearls and birthstones provide two safe options that are sure to please and make a lasting impression.

M J Plaster is a successful author who provides information on shopping online for <a target="_new" href="http://www.jewelry-4-u.net/">jewelry</a> and <a target="_new" href="http://www.jewelry-4-u.net/gifts.htm">jewelry gifts</a>. M J Plaster has been a commercial freelance writer for almost two decades, most recently specializing in home and garden, the low-carb lifestyle, investing, and anything that defines la dolce vita.

Discover The Make-Up Artist in You

As a licensed cosmetologist, I would like to share how to develop the art of truly being a makeup artist on your own face.

First, please toss out old ideas you may have had, as well as the &quot;one size fits all&quot; beauty tips you've picked up along the way. You don't want any pre-conceived ideas that may cloud your judgment.

Get in front of a mirror, with natural light. Cleanse your face, moisturize, etc. to get it ready for makeup. Get all your brushes, makeup gathered and pull your hair back out of the way. Imagine yourself as your own artist, with your face as the canvas upon which you are about to create a look.

There are 2 very important principals to remember. Light colors bring out, gives the illusion of an area being forward or front. Dark colors set back, creates a look of depth. Now, really study for your face for a few minutes, don't focus for now on any particular area, look at shape overall.

It might help to even write down notes about impressions you get. What areas seem to need brought out? What areas seem to need to be set back? An example would be a very round face would need an area in the cheeks set back (darker) to give the illusion of higher cheekbones, more slender face, at the same time using some lighter shades on the forehead area above the temples to also create a look of lengthening the face. A chin that is a bit undercut would need to be brought forth more to give the appearance of being more prominent than it is (lighter color).

When using lighter & darker colors for shading & highlighting, be sure to blend very well and use a light touch. Choose a foundation that is very close to your natural skin coloring. I personally have recently discovered mineral makeup (you can do an online search for several brands) or you can use any brand you want. I just have found these very easy to use for using light & dark colors where needed. Blend, blend and blend more, you don't want anything that looks obvious or any streaking appearance. Also if you're a light blonde, you wouldn't use something super dark for shading because you wouldn't be able to blend it in a way to look natural. Use a shade that's 1 or 2 shades darker than your natural skin tone, same with lighter shades, 1 or 2 shades lighter than your own skin tone.

Look at your eyes closely now. You want to create balance. Not every eye will look best with the typical medium color on the lid, darkest in the crease and highlighter on the brow. Again, look at your eye shape, what needs brought forth (light), and what needs to recede (dark). A person with deep-set eyes for example will do best with a light to medium shade on their lid, the lightest side in their crease, and a medium shade on their brow bone. The person with the deep-set eyes needs to avoid dark colors altogether, it will only accentuate the problem. Having the lightest color in the crease will help bring forth their eyes, making their eyes look bigger, wider and not set back.

This is the opposite pattern of what is typically told.

If a person has eyes that are close set together, you want light colors around the inside areas of the eyes (near the nose) to give the appearance of more space being there, making the eyes look wider apart, and darker colors on the outside edges.

Play with the different looks until you get the right one for your bone structure. It also helps to stand back away from a mirror, from across a room to look, as you get a better feel of overall balance than right up close. Don't be afraid to try new combos you hadn't thought of before, it might be the perfect fit for you!

By Valerie Garner-Mother, grandmother and candlemaker / owner of Joyful Designs in Soy. She loves to write on a variety of topics with a warm, and engaging style. <a target="_new" href="http://www.joyfuldesignsinsoy.com">http://www.joyfuldesignsinsoy.com</a>

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

While most people have heard of rhinoplasty or nose surgery, most do not know what the procedure entails once you enter the hospital operating room.

Once you are in the operating room and have spoken with the people who will take care of you during the surgery, the anesthesia will be administered. The exact type of anesthesia used will depend on the duration and complexity of the surgery about to be performed, any allergies you may have to any of the anesthesia drugs available, and the preference of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Before any incisions are made, before any intrusive procedures begin, the nose is anesthetized with a local anesthesia either lidocaine or marcaine with epinephrine. This is used to numb the tissue, the surrounding cartilage and facial bones and further protect the patient from feeling any of the surgery. In addition, many surgeons use a diluted form of cocaine possibly mixed with epinephrine to shrink the mucous membranes inside the nose as well as to seriously reduce blood flow to the area.

There are two basic approaches to rhinoplasty and depending on the artistry and sophistication of the surgeon and the type of work required, either approach may be employed with equally indiscernible success.

1. Internal (endonasal) rhinoplasty ? here the surgeon makes incisions only on the inside of the nose, opens the skin up and proceeds to do his work without making any incisions on the external facia. Internal rhinoplasty requires more skill and artistry to perform and can only be properly employed in cases where the amount of surgery being performed is minimal or at least of such a nature that all of the work can be reached from the interior of the nose.

2. External rhinoplasty or open-tip rhinoplasty means the doctor is making incisions on the outside of the nose, at the crease where the nose joins the face so that there is no discernible scarring after the procedure has been completed. Open-tip rhinoplasty is usually employed where the surgery requires more extensive removal or manipulation of the skin and cartilage tissue.

Either of these procedures can be performed utilizing a local anesthetic or a general anesthesia and can usually be completed anywhere from two to four hours again depending on the complexity of the work being performed. Using either the internal or the external incision methods, the skin and cartilage of the nose is exposed and the surgeon can then begin the artful process of sculpting the existing tissue to achieve the desired goals of the patient.

Remembering that rhinoplasty is really more art than surgery, the doctor will frequently refer to the photographs and notes he has made prior to the procedure. He will carefully check the symmetry of the shape of the nose and make sure that the changes he is making are the right ones to achieve the desired result. Very small alterations, incisions as small as a millimeter or two, can make large differences after the swelling has gone down in the overall appearance and balance of the finished look. This is the artistry of the surgeon you have selected.

When the surgeon has completed the sculpting process, he will carefully check the blood vessels in the area to see if they have been affected by the surgery, he will measure the nostril openings to see if they conform to his pre-op notes and measurements and then he will begin the process of closing up the nose. Small sutures will be used to close the incisions made during the procedure whether internal or external. These incisions are similar in size and form to the ones employed by heart surgeons when they are closing up small veins and arteries after cardiovascular surgery.

Finally, a small protective splint is placed around the nose. Your surgeon will have fitted you for the splint prior to the surgery and you will be expecting it when you awaken. After about 24 to 48 hours, on your next visit, the splint will be removed and your new nose will be ready to &quot;face&quot; the world. You'll be left with some swelling, a small amount of pain and some antibiotics to ward off infection.

<a target="_new" href="http://www.e-rhinoplasty.com">Rhinoplasty Info</a> provides comprehensive information on preparing for and recovering from rhinoplasty, as well as costs, surgeons, and procedures, including revision rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty Info is the sister site of <a target="_new" href="http://www.e-dentalimplants.com">Dental Implants Web</a>.

Tanning Bed Supplies -- Addons that Really Count!

So you are getting on a tanning bed. What next??

No tanning experience is complete without the use of the entire range of quality tanning bed supplies. In much the same you love a fine-dine restaurant than just the taste of the food, tanning bed supplies give the extra zing required to make a tanning bed stint truly powerful. In this article, you will learn about the complete range of tanning bed supplies available in the market today and be able to make informed decisions on what suits you best.

Apart from the tanning bed itself, tanning bed supplies include tanning lotion, sunless tanning accessories, tanning bed bulbs, pillows, goggles among others and also engineering parts of the tanning bed that can serve as up gradation. Most of these supplies are commonplace items in your local supermarket and should not be too hard to find. However, for high grade and specific tanning supplies, you might have to do some amount of research. Trust us when we say that the time spent on searching for the right product almost always justifies the use of the product and so is the case with tanning bed supplies.

For instance, a mind boggling variety of indoor tanning lotion as a part of tanning bed supplies is available. Therefore, the choice of a tanning lotion to buy purely depends on your budget, your skin nature and the period of use. Choosing from a wide range of high performance tanning beds and high-end variants right down to discount tanning lotion is an exercise one should go through, for the sheer learning from the experience. For the more technically informed, one can indulge in choosing between the best buck boosters available for your bed and add-on UVA/UVB meters.

The world of options for tanning bed supplies is virtually limitless and its just a matter of a little effort in finding the right product for you. Remember, 'Nothing venture, nothing gain!'.

Happy tanning!!

Visit our articles section at <a target="_new" href="http://www.tanningwonders.com/articles_1.html">Tanning Articles and Resources</a> for more such practical tanning advice and tips.

? 2005,Yaksha Patel. This article is courtesy of <a target="_new" href="http://www.tanningwonders.com">Tanning Wonders - Making Tanning work for you!</a>

You may publish it at no cost, as long as the links are left intact, made live, and this notice stays in place.

วันอังคารที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Manicure at Home

Required items to perform manicure:


<li>Bowl with warm soapy water

<li>scrub lotion

<li>petroleum jelly or any other moisturizing lotion

<li>cuticle pusher

<li>Favorite nail polish and clear polish

<li>Nail polish remover (if your nails have color)

<li>clean white towel


Steps to a manicure:

Before starting make sure you remove your nail polish and have all the required items mentioned above. Also remove any jewelry on fingers.

First trim or shape nails.

Soak both hands in warm soapy water for 3 to 5 minutes.

Push cuticles back gently with towel or cuticle pusher " stick".

Rub hands with a homemade scrub or any other scrub lotion to exfoliate skin.

Apply petroleum jelly or any other moisturizing lotion on hands. Cover with gloves and leave on for about 5 minutes.

Paint nails. Make sure to apply at least to coats of nail polish and a top coat of clear nail polish to give it more shine. Give it enough time to dry.

Try giving yourself a manicure at least once a week to for great looking hands.

About The Author

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine <a href="http://kpatra.com" target="_new">http://kpatra.com</a> "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics".

<a href="mailto:keniamorales@kpatra.com">keniamorales@kpatra.com</a>

Coming Clean: The Truth About Soap

What Is Soap?

Soap is the oldest cleanser around. It is created by a chemical reaction between oils, water and lye. Although lye is used to make soap there is no lye left after saponification (the chemical reaction that makes soap) is complete. There is no such thing as a bar of soap that was made without the use of lye. Different kinds of soap are made using a variety of different oils. Both animal & plant oils can be used in the soap making process, each adding different qualities to the soap.

Conventional Bar Soaps

Much of the soap available in the store today is not really soap at all, but a detergent. Detergents are a petroleum based product, like gasoline and kerosene. Have you ever noticed how regular soap leaves your skin feeling dry, itchy and tight? Alkali, the most common irritant in soap is often the culprit. Others ingredients in mass-marketed soap have been proven harmful to human health and can cause severe skin irritations in some people. These include ingredients such as DEA, Isopropyl Alcohol, BHT and Triclosan (commonly found in anti-bacterial soap). The most common ingredient in conventional bar soaps is sodium tallowate. It is the natural product of combining tallow, or beef fat, with lye. The attractiveness for tallow for mass producing soap is that it processes quickly, produces a hard bar of soap and is cheap and plentiful.

The New Bar On The Block

While there is nothing new about handmade soap, its popularity is growing rapidly. The sales of handmade soap continue to grow as part of society's movement toward buying products that are healthy and good for the environment. With the ever increasing use of synthetic chemicals and studies about their dangerous effects, consumers are on the lookout for more &quot;green&quot; alternatives.

Benefits Of Handmade Soap

Evidence abounds of the healing properties of a handmade bar of soap. Those who suffer from skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, as well as people that have sensitive skin or are hypoallergenic often find immediate relief by switching to handmade soap. Compared to store bought soap, handmade soap is very mild. They are often made from vegetable-based oils, such as olive, coconut, and palm and do not contain the potentially harmful chemicals found in conventional bar soap. One of the biggest differences between commercial soap and handmade soap is glycerine. Glycerine is a clear liquid that absorbs water from the air and is a key factor in keeping skin soft and healthy. Glycerin soap is especially good for sensitive and delicate skin, and for children. Because it is a high quality by-product in the soap making process, many mass commercial soap manufacturers often extract the glycerine and sell it as a by-product to be used in higher priced products like lotions and skin creams.

Handmade Soap Is Good For Your Body

For adults, the skin covers approximately 20 square feet of the human body. It is the largest human organ and is the bodies first line of defense against dehydration, temperature, infection and harmful substances. Handmade soaps give your skin the care it deserves and make bathing a gentle, soothing experience.

Handmade Soap Is Good For Your Mind

For many of us today, life seems to move at an often hectic pace. While the stress of everyday life increases, personal time is at minimum. A fragrant, handmade bar of soap is a simple indulgence that fosters a feeling of relaxation and being pampered. Treat yourself or someone you love to the benefits of handmade soap!

About The Author

Chere Deshayes is the owner of Bath Plantation, a company that specializes in fine handcrafted bath and body products. Subscribe to her FREE newsletter at <a href="http://www.bathplantation.com/newsletter.html" target="_new">http://www.bathplantation.com/newsletter.html</a> or visit her site at <a href="http://www.bathplantation.com" target="_new">http://www.bathplantation.com</a>.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Acai Berry From The Amazon Is Taking The World By Storm!

The benefits from eating healthy are endless. And, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, some foods can be eaten to help you look and age better! At the top of the list is the acai fruit from the Amazon forest. This little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world. It can often be found in juice form in health food and gourmet stores.

A previously little-known fruit harvested from the Brazilian rainforest is now gaining recognition for its high levels of the cholesterol-fighting fatty acids, Omega 6 and Omega 9, and its strong concentration - up to 33 times that found in red wine grapes - of anthocyanin, a powerful anti-oxidant.

The acai berry is especially noteworthy for the antioxidant properties afforded by its concentration of anthocyanin - which is also present in red wine - that prevents oxidants from harming connective tissue while repairing damaged proteins in blood vessel walls. This helps explain the &quot;French Paradox.&quot; The French, who are noted wine drinkers, have one of the lowest incidences of heart disease of any westernized society despite a diet high in cholesterol and saturated fat.

Monavie Direct, a network marketing company started in 2004, is experiencing rapid growth. The company was formed to market a wellness product, the Acai Amazon Berry, in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia. With 10 times the antioxidants of grapes and twice the antioxidants of blueberries, the Brazilian Acai berry is considered to have the best nutritional value of any fruit on earth.

With each bottle of MonaVie purchased, a portion of your proceeds will be donated to help preserve the Amazon rainforest. MonaVie's roots are entrenched in the Amazon. The Amazon is a region of superlatives: it spans the borders of eight countries; it is the world's largest river basin and the source of one-fifth of the Earth's freshwater; it has the world's highest diversity of birds and freshwater fish; it is the planet's largest and most luxuriant rainforest in which, amazingly, live more than one third of all species in the world. Despite its natural richness, the Amazon ecosystem is fragile and in peril.

Make a Difference in the World. Drink Life? Drink MonaVie?

We are currently looking for team leaders for the following countries: USA, Canada, Singapore, Puerto Rico, New Zealand and Australia.

We will be opening many more countries in 2005. We are currently looking for team leaders to help with International Expansion and we are offering free Signup and free Website marketing systems at no cost to you but for a limited time only. So act soon !

For addtional information about MonaVie please visit: <a target="_new" href="http://www.monaviedirect.com">http://www.monaviedirect.com</a>

Chris Johnson - Public Relations
<a target="_new" href="http://www.monaviedirect.com">http://www.monaviedirect.com</a>

Human Hair Extensions Create Beautiful Long Hair Styles Instantly

As you glance across virtually every print medium such as newspapers, magazines and catalogs, there seems to be one thing in common as far as hair cut styles is concerned. The long hair cut style is everywhere. So what are you supposed to do if you don't have long hair and you really want the long hair cut style? Well, let's see, human hair grows about ?&quot; per month, so if your hair is at ear level, that would be almost two years to wait for that 'hair cascading down your back' look. And of course by the time you grow your hair out, the short hair cut style will be in.

&quot;Don't limit yourself to just adding length to your hair. Hair extensions offer a simple solution to fine hair and can add a little pizzazz to thick, curly or wavy hair in any color or style.&quot;

Rod Sickler
Images by Rod & Company
Rantoul, Illinois

In today's society, two-year waits are OUT and immediate results are IN. The beauty industry recognized the demand for instant long natural looking hair and thus today's hottest trend was born-Human Hair Extensions. Hair extensions are not only for lengthening your hair, according to Rod Sickler, owner of Images by Rod & Company and Sexy Hair Concepts Artistic Team Member.

&quot;Any hair type can support hair extensions&quot;, says Sickler. Sickler makes hair extensions easy by creating cutting-edge hair styles for his clients. Some examples include sleek and straight hair, vivacious ringlets and striking color enhancements with the use of different highlighted and lowlighted hair extensions. He describes the hair extension process as very painstaking and challenging as it requires many hours and various techniques to complete. The rewards are many as he is able to re-invent hair, tweak techniques and fulfill his clients' needs.

One of Sicklers' hair extension clients, Holly Leach of Rantoul, Illinois, says she wanted to get hair extensions because she was ready for a change and wanted Sickler to re-invent her look by adding thickness and length to her thinning hair with European Hair Extensions. She was absolutely amazed at the results. &quot;I came into the salon (Images by Rod & Company) looking one way, and came out looking totally different&quot;, says, Leach. Leach has had her hair extensions for about 5 months now, with absolutely no issues and no complaints. She maintains the hair extensions with non-soy based conditioning shampoo and moisturizers from Sexy Hair Concepts, and uses hair dryers and curling irons with no problems. Leach concludes,&quot;Hair Extensions are worth the time and money, when you can get fabulous-looking long hair instantly&quot;.

"Hair extensions are a huge self-esteem booster because they give women the opportunity to get the long hair style look without the wait" Guinevere Werr

Manager, The Spa East Bank Club, Chicago, Ill

Some women are concerned or have heard that hair extensions can cause damage to their natural hair, or even loss of hair. Guinevere Werr, Manager of The Spa at the East Bank Club in Chicago, Ill, says the fusion application method Sickler uses from So.Cap., an Italian company, does not create any damage to the natural hair since it is applied ?&quot; from the scalp and not directly on the scalp. Werr assisted Sickler with applying brown hair extensions with some highlight extensions to her sisters' hair. She adds that Sicklers hair extension clients have lost almost no hair extensions and have had very little maintenance issues.

So where do you start if you are thinking of getting hair extensions? You must research the different types of hair used for hair extensions, the different types of attachment methods, the hair stylists' education and training, any maintenance schedules and of course the cost.

There are a lot of different types of hair that are used for hair extensions. There is human hair and synthetic hair. Synthetic hair is used to add the high fashion colors, such as pinks and blues. Generally speaking, if you are going for the natural, it grew out of my head, look you should go with human hair. Human hair comes in many different textures and grades. The human hair must be strong and healthy to produce extensions that will last and wear without tangling or drying. European human hair is well- known as quality human hair used for extensions.

There are three basic techniques to attach the hair. They are fusion or strand by strand, weaving and bonding. There are many variations to these techniques and they are sometimes called by different names.

Fusion/strand by strand: This process is done strand by strand in small sections using heated adhesive sticks or glue specifically made for hair extensions. Extension hair is added directly to your own hair. Sickler uses the fusion method from the Italian company So.Cap. Hair is attached about ? &quot;from your scalp and looks totally natural. Sickler comments, &quot;No one can visually see that you have hair extensions. It's up to you if you want everyone to know&quot;.

Weaving is a process where a corn row or track is created around the head and close to the scalp. Extension hair is sewn on the tracks. Your own hair lies over the tracks for a natural look. Bonding is a process where bonding glue is applied onto the weft of the extension hair and then applied at the root of your hair. A weft is horizontal hair strands attached together at the top of vertically flowing hair strands. Wefts can be machine-made or handmade.

There are some disadvantages to each of these methods. Sometimes if the hair extension application method is not done properly, the hair extensions will simply fall out, or cause damage to your natural hair. Also, with additional pressure to your scalp from the weight of the heavy extensions, there could be some thinning of your natural hair and/or headaches as you adapt to the new weight. There have been some reports of allergies to the chemicals that are used. You should discuss the disadvantages of hair extensions thoroughly with your hair stylist so that there are no surprises.

The hair extension training and education your hair stylist has received is very important to the success of their work. Sickler received his hair extension training from renowned expert, Joseph Accola, and he keeps up-do-date on techniques by attending beauty shows across Europe where hair extensions are more popular than in the U.S. &quot;Hair extension education and training are paramount to successful hair extensions for any hair stylist&quot;, says Sickler. If you are looking for a hair stylist to do hair extensions and they don't have the proper training, you could be very disappointed with the results.

After you have your hair extensions in place, you will need to schedule regular maintenance visits to check your extensions. How often you need to go back will depend on the type of hair and the method of attachment that was used. As your hair grows out, some of the hair extensions will need to be removed and replaced or touched up.

On a day-to-day basis you should treat your human hair extensions as you would long hair. Brush, shampoo, condition and moisturize on a regular basis. Some hair stylists will recommend specific high-quality hair care products to use with your extensions. You can also use hair dryers, flat irons, curling irons on most types of human hair extensions. Color treatments can be done on the hair extensions, but you should consult with your hair stylist before considering this. Monthly color touch-ups to your roots will not be a problem, as the hair extensions will not be touched.

Although it doesn't hurt physically to get hair extensions, it may hurt you financially. There really is no way around this factor. To get good hair extensions on your whole head, you will need quality human hair, an experienced hair stylist, at least one assistant and about 6-8 hours of time. The ticket price can vary from $150-$2000 depending on what you are having done. Adding a few highlights or lowlight hair extensions can be quite less as the time and amount of hair needed is less.

In short, here are ten tips to follow after you have decided you want to get hair extensions and have selected a beauty salon. To find beauty salons that do hair extensions, you can look in the yellow pages or search online. The beauty salon directory at www.hairresources.com will allow you to search for 'hair extensions in your City, State.

1.After selecting a salon, schedule an initial consultation to discuss what you would like to have done and any concerns that you have. 2. Ask about what hair extension experience your hair stylist has and where they received their training.

3. Make sure the hair stylist listens and understands your needs and concerns. Does he/she communicate well with you?

4. The hair stylist should ask you about your lifestyle, health, hobbies and your normal hair routine

5. An analysis of your scalp and hair should be done at the initial consultation to make sure your hair is in a condition for successful hair extensions.

6. Ask to see before and after photos of hair extension clients

7. Ask for references and be sure to call them

8. Ask how often the average client needs to replace the hair. This is very important for anticipating future costs

9. Get a written estimate for your hair extensions with an itemized list of the services required to achieve your new look

10.Get a written maintenance plan. Plan should include recommendations for products, grooming tools, follow-up appointments and any special instructions.

Hair extensions have many advantages and several disadvantages that should be addressed, but if you want to create an instant long hair style, human hair extensions are the way to go

Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of <a target="_new" href="http://www.hairresources.com">http://www.hairresources.com</a> and <a target="_new" href="http://www.hairresources.net">http://www.hairresources.net</a> She is listed in the 2004 Who's Who of Business and Marketing Professionals and U.S. Registry of American Writers. She is the author of the Ebook: 2005's Most Popular Hair Extensions, available at <a target="_new" href="http://www.hairresources.net">http://www.hairresources.net</a>, and over 100 feature articles.

Hair Raising Stuff

Definately without a doubt it was a new image that was needed for my summer holiday. I was sick and tired of looking like the queen with the same hairstyle for as long as I could remember.

Well that was all about to change as I went on a rampage emptying every shop shelf of every glossy magazine that I could find. That evening all engagements were cancelled with Coroanation St, Emmerdale and Eastenders. Sacrafices had to made as I was on a mission to find the new me.

Settled down for the evening with every brochure and mag at my side, flicking through every page not leaving one unturned. Surely there had to be a style in one of them that was going to help me in my quest in finding the new image that I so badly craved.

A couple of hours of browsing had elapsed, and low and behold there jumping out at me as plain as day was the most wanting to die for hairstyle you ever did see. This was it with out a doubt. The style that I knew was going to give me a new lease of life.

After a visit to the shops armed with hair colouring lotions conditioners scissors etc. I raced up the stairs to the bathroom missing every other step. I was so excited. Why would I not be excited? tomorrow I was to be a different person. No animosty spared between the old image in the mirror as I said my goodbyes

Smelling like a peroxide skunk I carried on following the instructions on the box. No matter how sweet scented that sachet of conditioner was it was not powerful enough to rid the odour that lingered all around. It was all going to be worthwhile I said to myself glancing down for about the hundredth time at the picture in the mag. Forty minutes was up and it was now time to rinse dry and style. (Enter the blonde bombshell)

Staring down at the picture in the magazine and back to my reflection in the mirror, told me something was wrong. Two styles couldnt be any more different.

I followed the instructions as prompted, where could I have gone wrong? I screamed. I will tell you came a voice from the other side of the bathroom door. It was my husband who on hearing all the fuss decided to check out what was going on. I will tell you what is going on I yelled back at him.

Explaining how I felt about myself I handed him the magazine with the picture of this fabulous hairstyle on this beautiful model. He looked for a long while at the photo and then back at me. Repeating this motion many times.

Darling I do not want to upset you he replied, but the reason that you will never have that look is because you do not have that face. So why not make do with what God gave you. I have made do with what god gave you for 34 years and I still like what I see.

Kacy is my name and I am about to take another route in my life, of which I know will be a challenge but what the heck. Life is all about challlenges. <a target="_new" href="http://benidormbeaches.com">http://benidormbeaches.com</a>

What is Digital Nail Art?

How is the procedure performed?

After the nails are given a basic manicure, which involves cleaning the nail, removing the cuticle and any dead skin around the edge of the nail. <li>The nails can then be given a base coat (usually a strong white) to enhance a coloured design. <li>Or if the client wishes to have a natural look in the back ground of the design, then no base coat is required. <li>Then the activation coat is applied - this ensures that the design dries quickly. <li>The client chooses their design either from preset designs or from thier own picture - which can be scanned into the computer. <li>After placing the hand into the machine the design can then be printed.

How long does it take?

The printing itself takes approximately 10 seconds per nail, and depends on the design - sometimes even quicker. The whole process including nail preperation and drying of coats in between can take 15 minutes.

How long do the designs last?

They last as long as a normal nail varnish treatment. With the application of two thin coats of clear nail varnish - paying special attention to the tips, then if you are carefull with your nails, the designs can last up two weeks or longer.

Are the inks and varnishes dangerous?

All the inks and varnishes have been tested to comply with all safety standards and are perfectly safe.

Are your hands safe in the machine?

Your hands are placed insde a special cradle which holds the nails at a safe distance from the printer head. The Printer actually sprays the design onto your nails, so you don't feel a thing. If by any chance, you happened to move your fingers whilst in the machine, the sensitivity of the safety cut out will stop the printing immediately.

Can it print a French Manicure?

Certainly can, just use the white base coat and the machine can print the french manicure with more flair and design than you could ever do with air brushing.

Can it print toe nails?

Yes, fashion now goes a step further, and the world of design and art is now available for your toes.

Where can I get digital nail art?

At any reputable nail salon, if there isn't a machine in a salon near you, then tell them to get a machine so that you can try it out.

To make the most out of this technology, the professional nail technician would have to be experienced with general manicures and pedicures. These are the basics to any nail care business, but also a knowledge of computers and how they work is advisable. The software is easy to use, but the process needs a bit of practice in order to become proficient. With expert guidance and advice from a reputable company, then using this new technology will enhance your business and bring colourfull designs into the lives of many clients nails.

Robert Geoghegan, Operations director of <a target="_new" href="http://www.digi-printers.com">Digi Printers ltd</a>, based in the UK. An electrical engineer by trade, but happened upon nail art technology through his wifes beauty business. Now has an indepth knowledge of these types of machines. <a target="_new" href="http://www.diginailart.com">http://www.diginailart.com</a>

Beauty Tips: 10 Steps for Radiant Skin

When it comes to a glowing complexion what we put into our bodies and how we treat our skin and ourselves has a huge impact on how we look ? no skin care product can overcome certain damage. Here are a few hints to take the best care of your skin and get that radiant glow.

1. Eat a balanced diet ? what we put in our bodies will show on our skin. If you eat fatty foods and junk your skin will reflect that, so give your skin proper nutrition.

2. Get at least 7 to 8 hours sleep every night. A lack of sleep will show up under your eyes as dark circles or bags. Proper rest will also benefit your body and your life.

3. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated. It is best to spread the consumption of water in small amounts over the course of the day to be sure it is properly absorbed.

4. Maintain a regular exercise schedule. Exercise gets the blood moving and creates a healthy body.

5. Get lots of fresh air but avoid prolonged exposure to wind and cold.

6. Avoid the sun and tanning beds. The damage done by ultraviolet rays is long lasting and cannot be reversed.

7. Always wear sunglasses to avoid squinting.

8. Try to achieve a well-balanced life and reduce stress.

9. Exfoliate twice a week to rid your skin of dead cells.

10. Develop a skin care routine for your particular skn type.

If you have been neglecting your complexion start right away to improve it ? it's never too late. What you do today will show up in your skin in the future. It's up to you.

Sheila Dicks is an Image and Wardrobe Consultant who teaches women how to dress to suit their body type and look slimmer. Visit her at <a target="_new" href="http://www.sheilasfashionsense.com">http://www.sheilasfashionsense.com</a> to download her ebook, 'Image Makeovers' and get How to 'Build a Wardrobe' free.

Buying Home Whitening Kits like Whitestrips

Tired of stained, yellow teeth? Want to give yourself a beautiful, whiter smile? Then perhaps you have thought about at home teeth whitening kits. In January 2004, Consumer Reports wrote "Home kits do whiten teeth for far less than you'd pay for a professional treatment."

Along with the above quote, Consumer Reports rated Colgate Whitestrips as "good" while Crest Simply White Night was given a rating of "very good." Both were said to help in whitening the tester's teeth and both were recommended products.

But which of the two is most right for you? When deciding to buy an at home teeth whitening kit, keep in mind of what is most convenient for you. The main difference is that Crest Whitestrips are nearly invisible sticky strips that are worn twice a day, for 30 minutes at a time, (or you can do a single one hour session) while Colgate Simply White Night is a gel that is brushed onto your teeth before you sleep. Neither are flavored and after a few days, most people get accustomed to either method. However, the main reason consumers do not get the full benefits of their whitening kits is because they prematurely stop usage before the recommended time (usually 14 days).

One last note is that both Crest and Colgate recommend continued usage or their products to improve your teeth whiteness level. Therefore, if you are satisfied with your initial results, consider purchasing another teeth whitening kit to whiten your teeth even more. However, neither Crest Whitestrips nor Colgate Simply White Night can give you a &quot;bombshell&quot; white smile if you have had years of coffee, caffeine, or smoking. For those results, you will most likely have to have multiple visits to your dentist as well as spend hundreds of dollars.

If however, you are looking for a cheap alternative to whiten your teeth several shades, then why not give at home teeth whitening products a try? After all, almost all of them offer a money back guarantee.

About The Author

Yale Wang is the founder of <a href="http://www.whitekit.com" target="_new">http://www.whitekit.com</a> a website offering information and products about home whitening products such Crest Whitestrips and Colgate Simply White Night

<a href="mailto:webmaster@whitekit.com">webmaster@whitekit.com</a>

The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Beauty and Skin Care with Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.

&quot;Every person is born perfect. Inferiority is a mistake of the mind, a cloud covering the light. Dissolve the clouds by observing a balanced life with healthy habits. Nourish your mind and body. Connect with your own inner self. Celebrate your own magnificence and your beauty will always shine through.&quot; -Dr. Rama Kant Mishra, renowned Ayurvedic physician and dermatologist

The Three Pillars of Beauty

Maharishi Ayurveda (MAV), the modern, consciousness-based revival of the ancient Ayurvedic medicine tradition, considers true beauty to be supported by three pillars; Outer Beauty, Inner Beauty and Lasting Beauty. Only by enhancing all three can we attain the balanced state of radiant health that makes each of us the most fulfilled and beautiful person we can be.

Outer Beauty: Roopam

The outer signs of beauty - your skin, hair and nails - are more than just superficial measures of beauty. They are direct reflections of your overall health. These outer tissues are created by the inner physiological processes involved in digestion, metabolism and proper tissue development. Outer beauty depends more on the strength of your digestion and metabolism, the quality of your diet, and the purity of your blood, than on external cleansers and conditioners you may apply.

General Recommendations for Outer Beauty

As we will discuss, the key to skin care is matching your diet and skin care routine to the specific skin type you have. Meanwhile, there are some valuable recommendations for lustrous skin, hair and nails that will be helpful to everyone, regardless of skin type.

1. Diet: Without adequate nourishment, your collagen layer thins and a kind of wasting takes place. Over time, your skin can shrivel up like a plant without water from lack of nourishment. To keep your skin plump and glowing:

A. Eat fresh, whole organic foods that are freshly prepared.

Avoid packaged, canned, frozen, processed foods and leftovers. These foods have little nutritional value and also they are often poorly digested which creates impurities that localize in the skin. The resulting buildup of toxins causes irritation and blocks circulation depriving the skin of further nourishment and natural cleansing processes.

B. Favor skin nourishing foods.

<li>Leafy green vegetables contain vitamins, minerals (especially iron and calcium) and are high in antioxidant properties. They nourish the skin and protect it from premature aging.

<li>Sweet juicy fruits like grapes, melons, pears, plums and stewed apples at breakfast are excellent for the skin in almost everyone.

<li>Eat a wide variety of grains over different meals and try mixed grain servings at breakfast and lunch. Add amaranth, quinoa, cous cous, millet and barley to the wheat and rice you already eat.

<li>Favor light, easy to digest proteins like legume soups (especially yellow split mung dhal), whole milk, paneer (cheese made from boiling milk, adding lemon and straining solids) and lassi (diluted yogurt and spice drinks).

<li>Oils like ghee (clarified butter) and organic, extra virgin olive oil should be included in the diet as they lubricate, nourish and create lustre in the skin.

<li>Use spices like turmeric, cumin, coriander, and black pepper to improve digestion, nourish the skin and cleanse it of impurities.

<li>Avoid microwaving and boiling your vegetables. They lose as much as 85% of their antioxidant content when cooked in this way. Steaming and saut?ing are best.

Caring for outer beauty through knowledge of skin type

Besides these general recommendations the key to Outer Beauty is to understand the difference in skin types so you can gain the maximum benefit from your individualized skin care regimen. MAV identifies three different skin types based on which of the three main metabolic principles (doshas)- present in everyone, but to different degrees- is most dominant in your body.

Vata Skin

* Description: Vata is composed of the elements of air and space. If you have a vata skin type, your skin will be dry, thin, fine pored, delicate and cool to the touch. When balanced, it glows with a delicate lightness and refinement that is elegant and attractive. When vata skin is imbalanced, it will be prone to excessive dryness and may even be rough and flaky.

* Potential problems: The greatest beauty challenge for vata skin is its predisposition to symptoms of early aging. Your skin may tend to develop wrinkles earlier than most due to its tendency to dryness and thinness. If your digestion is not in balance, your skin can begin to look dull and grayish, even in your 20's and 30's. In addition, your skin may have a tendency for disorders such as dry eczema and skin fungus. Mental stress, such as worry, fear and lack of sleep, has a powerful debilitating effect on vata skin leaving it looking tired and lifeless.

* Recommendations for care

With a little knowledge, you can preserve and protect the delicate beauty of your vata type skin. Since your skin does not contain much moisture, preventing it from drying is the major consideration. Eat a warm, unctuous diet (ghee and olive oil are best) and favor sour, salty and sweet tastes (naturally sweet like fruits, not refined sugar) as they balance vata. Avoid drying foods like crackers. Drink 6-8 glasses of warm (not cold for vata types!) water throughout the day and eat plenty of sweet, juicy fruits. Going to bed early (before 10 PM) is very soothing to vata and will have a tremendously positive influence on your skin. Avoid cleansing products that dry the skin (like alcohol-based cleansers) and perform Ayurvedic oil massage to your whole body (abhyanga) in the morning before you shower.

Pitta Skin.

* Description: Pitta dosha is composed of the elements of fire and water. If you have a pitta skin type your skin is fair, soft, warm and of medium thickness. When balanced, your skin has a beautiful, slightly rosy or golden glow, as if illuminated from within. Your hair typically is fine and straight, and is usually red, sandy or blonde in color. Your complexion tends toward the pink or reddish, and there is often a copious amount of freckles or moles.

* Potential problems: Among the many beauty challenges of pitta skin types is your tendency to develop rashes, rosacea, acne, liver spots or pigment disorders. Because of the large proportion of the fire element in your constitution, your skin does not tolerate heat or sun very well. Of all the three skin types, pitta skin has the least tolerance for the sun, is photosensitive, and most likely to accumulate sun damage over the years. Pitta skin is aggravated by emotional stress, especially suppressed anger, frustration, or resentment.

* Recommendations for care

Avoid excessive sunlight, tanning treatments and highly heating therapies like facial or whole body steams. Avoid hot, spicy foods and favor astringent, bitter and sweet foods which balance pitta. (Again, naturally sweet, not chocolate and refined sugar!) Sweet juicy fruits (especially melons and pears), cooked greens and rose petal preserves are especially good. Drinking plenty of water helps wash impurities from sensitive pitta skin. Reduce external or internal contact with synthetic chemicals, to which your skin is especially prone to react, even in a delayed fashion after years of seemingly uneventful use. Avoid skin products that are abrasive, heating or contain artificial colors or preservatives. Most commercial make-up brands should be avoided in favor of strictly 100% natural ingredient cosmetics. And be sure to get your emotional stress under control through plenty of outdoor exercise, yoga and meditation.

Kapha Skin.

* Description: Kapha dosha is composed of the elements of earth and water. If you have a kapha skin type your skin is thick, oily, soft and cool to the touch. Your complexion is a glowing porcelain whitish color, like the moon, and hair characteristically thick, wavy, oily and dark. Kapha skin types, with their more generous collagen and connective tissue, are fortunate to develop wrinkles much later in life than vata or pitta types.

*Potential problems If your skin becomes imbalanced, it can show up as enlarged pores, excessively oily skin, moist types of eczema, blackheads, acne or pimples, and water retention. Kapha skin is also more prone to fungal infections.

* Recommendations for care

Kapha skin is more prone to clogging and needs more cleansing than other skin types. Be careful to avoid greasy, clogging creams. Likewise, avoid heavy, hard to digest foods like fried foods, fatty meats, cheeses and rich desserts. Eat more light, easy to digest, astringent, bitter and pungent (well-spiced) foods as they balance kapha. Olive oil is the best cooking oil and a little ginger and lime juice can be taken before meals to increase your characteristically sluggish digestive fire. Take warm baths often and use gentle cleansers to open the skin pores. Avoid getting constipated and try to get some exercise every day to increase circulation and help purify the skin through the sweating process.

Inner Beauty: Gunam.

Happy, positive, loving, caring individuals have a special beauty that is far more than skin deep. Conversely we all experience the quick and deleterious effect on our skin from fatigue and stress.

Inner beauty is authentic beauty, not the kind that shows on a made-up face, but the kind that shines through from your soul, your consciousness or inner state of being. Inner beauty comes from a mind and heart that are in harmony, not at odds with each other, causing emotional confusion, loss of confidence, stress and worry. Inner peace is the foundation of outer beauty.

Maintain your self-confidence and a warm, loving personality by paying attention to your lifestyle and daily routine and effective management of stress (I highly recommend the TM technique for its scientifically-verified benefits on mental and physical health and reduced aging.) You will also be healthier and feel better through the day if you eat your main meal at midday and make a habit of going to bed early (by 10 PM is ideal.)

Remember, kindness, friendliness and sincerity naturally attract people to you. On the other hand, being uptight or tense makes people want to walk the other way, regardless of your facial structure, body weight, or other outer signs we associate with attractiveness.

Lasting Beauty: Yayastyag

In order to slow the aging process and gain lasting beauty there are two additional key considerations beyond those already discussed,

1. Eliminate toxins and free radicals in the body: The main deteriorating effects of aging come as toxins and impurities (called ama in Ayurveda) accumulate throughout the body. These toxins may begin as free radicals in the body, or over time may become oxidized into free radicals, all of which contribute to premature aging in the body. For lasting health and beauty it is essential to avoid and neutralize free radicals, to prevent impurities of all kinds from accumulating and to remove those that have already become lodged in the body.

The most powerful cleansing therapy in Maharishi Ayurveda is "panchakarma" therapy, a series of natural treatments ideally performed twice yearly, that involves 5-7 days in a row of massage, heat treatments and mild herbal enemas. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of undergoing this cleansing program once or twice a year to prevent impurities from accumulating, localizing and hardening in the tissues. Just as we change the oil in our cars regularly for optimal performance and lifespan, Ayurveda recommends that we cleanse the &quot;sludge&quot; from our tissues on a regular basis through panchakarma treatments.

Best of all, panchakarma treatments are luxurious, blissful, and make you feel (and look) completely rejuvenated in just a few days time. I have had many a patient who told me that friends asked them afterwards if they had gotten a facelift, they looked so fresh and youthful!

Other free radical busters include: reducing mental stress, eating antioxidant foods like leafy green vegetables, sweet, juicy fruits and cooking on a daily basis with antioxidant, detoxifying spices like turmeric and coriander.

2. Add rejuvenative techniques to daily living:

The daily activities of life in the modern world systematically wear us down and speed up the aging process. Ayurveda maintains it is crucial to practice daily rejuvenative regimens to counteract the stressful wear and tear of everyday life. According to Ayurveda the most important rejuvenative routines for your life are:

<li>Going to bed by 10:00 PM. This simple habit is one of the most powerful techniques for health and longevity, according to MAV.

<li>Meditate daily. Any meditation that does not involve concentration (which has been shown to increase anxiety) can be very helpful. I highly recommend the twice-daily deep rest and enlivenment of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique, whose benefits have been verified by over 700 published research studies.

<li>Eat organic, whole fresh food that is freshly prepared. There is an Ayurvedic saying: "Without proper diet. medicine is of no use. With proper diet, medicine is of no need." Be sure to avoid those leftovers, processed and microwaved foods for better nutrition and vitality.

<li>Perform Ayurvedic oil massage in the morning (abhyanga). Morning oil massage purifies the entire body, reduces anxiety and stress, helps prevent and heal injuries and supports circulation. It is especially helpful in creating a radiant complexion and keeping your skin youthful. Research shows it may also help prevent skin cancers.

<li>Practice yoga asanas. Maintaining flexibility and circulation is key to health.

<li>Practice pranayama (yoga breathing) techniques. Pranayama enlivens the mind and body. Ideally practice the following sequence twice a day. Asanas, pranayama and meditation.


Everyone's unique beauty shines forth when they have radiant health and personal happiness. Beauty is a side effect of a balanced, fulfilled life. Supreme personal beauty is accessible to everyone who is willing to take more control of their health in their day-to-day life through time-tested principles of natural living.

For most of us, beauty is not a gift but a choice. Every woman can be radiantly beautiful simply by beginning to lead a healthier life. You will be rewarded by the glowing effects you will see in your mirror each day and the powerful, bliss-producing effect your special beauty has on everyone in your life.

About The Author

Nancy Lonsdorf M.D. received her M.D. from Johns Hopkins and did her postgraduate training at Stanford. She has studied Ayurveda with some of the world's most renowned Ayurvedic physicians in India, Europe and the U.S. Dr. Lonsdorf has 17 years of clinical experience with Ayurveda and is currently the Medical Director of The Raj Ayurveda Health Center in Vedic City Iowa.

Dr. Lonsdorf has authored two books on Ayurveda and women's health:

A Woman's Best Medicine (Penguin/Putnam 1995 ; ISBN 0-87477-785-2) describing the Ayurvedic approach to the major issues in women's health

A Woman's Best Medicine for Menopause (Contemporary/McGraw Hill 2002; ISBN 0-8092-9335-8) describing the Ayurvedic approach to menopause

Doctor Lonsdorf's contact information is:
Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.
1734 Jasmine Avenue
Vedic City, IA 52556
web site url: <a href="http://www.ayurveda-ayurvedic.com/" target="_new">http://www.ayurveda-ayurvedic.com/</a>

<a href="mailto:info@ayurveda-ayurvedic.com">info@ayurveda-ayurvedic.com</a>

Is Your Bad Mood Causing Skin Breakouts?

Your skin tells a lot about you. Someone who looks at your face can often tell if you haven't had enough rest, if you've been slacking on your diet, or if you moisturize regularly. Your skin can also tell someone a lot about your state of mind.

It's pretty obvious when you're embarrassed because your face will get flushed. That's not what I mean. I'm referring to life's problems that pile up, stress you out, and keep you from performing at your ultimate best. Long periods without good nutrition will make skin pale and flaky, while a lack of moisture in your body can make skin tight and pinched-looking. Late nights and stressful situations can cause breakouts, oily skin and a tired, harried appearance that can keep you from looking your best.

With our busy lifestyles, it's hard to imagine how we can sleep more, eat better and stay hydrated enough to keep life's problems from showing up on your face. Fortunately, you can easily combat some of these problems by carefully choosing quick ways to relax and rejuvenate your body that won't break the bank.

Natural skincare products containing essential oils will not only help to improve your skin's appearance, but they have a double-duty effect with their aromatherapy benefits. For example, lavender essential oil is beneficial for people with minor cuts, scrapes, rashes and mild sunburn. It is also great for relaxation, making lavender a useful tool for eliminating stress.

Another great essential oil for mood enhancement is clary sage. It helps to balance the skin's natural production of sebum, making it a suitable choice whether your skin is too oily or too dry. At the same time, clary sage is well known for its hormone balancing effects, eliminating the mood swings and cramping that often occur during your menstrual cycle.

When you are choosing skincare products with essential oils, look for ones that contain little to no fragrance so you receive the full benefit of the aromatherapy at work. Also check the labels for chemicals which may cause allergic reactions and thwart your efforts to clear up your skin. With the right products, you'll begin to feel better emotionally, your appearance will change for the better, and people will certainly take notice.

Burgundy Shank makes natural skincare products using essential oils and other nutrient-rich natural ingredients. To download her FREE Report, &quot;The Top 10 Ingredients to Avoid in Your Personal Care Products,&quot; sign up for her newsletter, &quot;Beauty Secrets from Around the World&quot; at <a target="_new" href="http://www.burgundysoap.com">http://www.burgundysoap.com</a>

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Differences Between Perfume And Perfume Oils

The history of perfume oils dates back to ancient Egypt when these fine scented oils were presented to royalty as gifts. In modern times, however, when the word "perfume" is said, most people think of department store fragrances, which consist mainly of the concentrated oil and alcohol solution. Nevertheless, as more and more people are finding out about them, perfume oils are experiencing great popularity. Here are some interesting facts about perfume oils:

1) Strength of smell - Perfume oils are highly concentrated and up to ten times more concentrated than department store perfumes. This quality allows oils to last longer than their eau de perfume counterparts.

2) Alcohol - Perfumes have alcohol in them, which creates different smell effects. Most body oils use carrier oils like jojoba or grapeseed oil in place of alcohol. In some fragrances, the smell can change as the alcohol evaporates different scent notes through time. With oils, the scent is more constant.

3) Price - A noticeable difference between perfumes and perfume oils is price. Perfumes have a very high markup and great profit margins, which is perhaps why many celebrities have embarked on the trend of creating their own perfumes and colognes. Perfume oils can be sold very cheaply, or even more expensively than the perfumes, depending on how they are positioned in the market.

4) Body chemistry - Just because a perfume or cologne smells good on you, doesn't mean that the oil version will. Perfumes only have a small percentage of oil, so they are quite different than pure body oils. This interaction between the fragrance and your body may produce a different scent perception altogether.

5) Packaging - Clearly, department store perfumes are very nicely packaged and thus make great gifts for friends and family. Many perfume oils are sold in less attractive containers, which is part of the reason for their lower price.

6) Uses - Perfumes are only intended for use on the body, but perfume oils can be used to create a variety of scented products, like soap, candles, bath oils, air fresheners, and many other types of scented products. Be aware that there are different types of fragrance oils and that pure uncut oils are not safe for use on the skin.

In summary, whether you choose to use perfume oils or not will depend on the factors above. Try out a small sample first and who knows, you might just discover a delightful new product to add to your personal inventory.

Criss White is a professional web writer on baby and new mother topics for baby and pregnancy websites. See <a target="_new" href="http://www.bestperfumeoils.com">Body perfume oils</a> and <a target="_new" href="http://www.mybabyshowerfavors.com/perfume">Designer Perfume Oils</a> for more perfume oil information and supplies. Note: If you find this article useful, you may reprint it on your website, e-zine, or in your newsletter as long as the credits and resource box remain in tact and the hyperlinks are active.

Spring and Summer Make-up Trends 2005

Natural, Radiant skin

That's right, summer is upon us already, which means less emphasis on covering up under layers of foundation, concealer and powder and focusing instead on the natural beauty of our skin. This is all very well for those blessed with perfect, clear skin, but for the rest of us mere mortals, help is at hand! With the proper use of foundation and blusher that "peaches and cream"/"English rose" radiance can be yours this summer.

Foundation should be kept as light and dewy as possible. Apply a fluid or cr?me foundation with the fingertips, and blend with a sponge for a flawless finish. Use foundation sparingly, and only where necessary. Certain areas of the face - the forehead, nose and chin - naturally will require more coverage than the cheeks.

Blusher should be applied first to the apples of the cheeks and then swept back and upwards, using light strokes. To keep skin radiant and lustrous, ensure you use a good exfoliator, to remove dull dead skin cells and reveal new skin for a brighter complexion. Follow this with an SPF moisturiser suited to your skin type, bearing in mind many people can use a slightly lighter cream or lotion in the summer months than is required in the winter.

What's in: perfectly natural complexions. What's out: heavy bronzer and fake tan. This summer it will be all about pale, milky skin with just a touch of blush across the cheeks and nose. Think pinks and peaches for fairer skin tones, and light golden bronze for darker skins.

Glossy nude lips

After the winter of covering up lips in bold shades, its time to ditch the lip liner and vampy red lipstick in favour of a lighter glossier look. Lips are more delicate and understated this season, think lip tints and sheer glosses, in pink and peachy tones for paler skins and golden bronze hues for darker skins. The whole look should be very fresh and unpretentious. Try Clinique's Colour Surge Impossibly Glossy lip colours, or Est?e Lauder pure colour crystal gloss. For a little extra coverage and long lasting wet-look colour apply Lanc?me's juicy rogue, with a dab of &quot;babydoll&quot; the newest addition to their cult juicy tube collection. As with make-up look, preparation is key, so invest in a lip-exfoliator and start applying a good non-petroleum based lip balm frequently, for kissably soft lips!

Bright n' bold eyeliner

In keeping with previous make-up trends there is still very much a focus on eyes this spring. However the emphasis this season has shifted to eye-liner, and the bigger and brighter the better. Reinvent your night-time look by lining your eyes with kohl or liquid liner, in vivid turquoises, rich purples, azure or aubergine. These work particularly well with a hint of shimmer to open and draw attention to the eye. I recommend Bobbi Browns Long-Wear gel eyeliner, applied with an eyeliner brush, so you can intensify the look as much as you like. You could also try M.A.C pigments, which come in an exhaustive range of colours and textures. Loyal fans of the kohl pencil, try Lanc?me's Crayon Kh?l in 019 le bleu de jules, a soft aqua-marine blue or Bourjois Khol & Contour Eye Liner in Violet Irise 18, a vibrant lilac-fuchsia.

Finally for all the eye-liner buffs out there, Make-Up Forever's colour liquid liner, thanks to its ultra fine tip applicator, will give a highly pigmented pearly finish.

Nicola Hickey-Crowe, make-up artist.

Getting Rid of Cellulite - The Best Anti Cellulite Creams, Treatments and Remedies

It is estimated that about 95% of all women have cellulite. That is a staggering number, and seems almost impossible to beat! We are lucky enough to live in an age where cosmetic and "nutraceutical" technology is becoming so advanced, getting rid of cellulite is becoming easier, more affordable, and faster.

We have several anti cellulite creams, treatments and even anti cellulite herbal supplements and cellulite remedies at our disposal to add to our anti cellulite arsenal. Getting rid of cellulite is an uphill battle, and as of yet there are no "permanent" fixes, but there are ways to effectively and dramatically reduce cellulite and smooth those puckered, spongy areas into submission.

Getting rid of cellulite is easier and so much more effective with more than one method of cellulite treatment. First, a high quality anti cellulite cream, lotion or gel is a good start, since the smoothing, tightening, and water retention relief ingredients almost immediately smooth the appearance of cellulite. Also, the massaging action that is used to apply the cellulite lotion actually helps to externally stimulate circulation and break up the collagen bands just below the surface that cause the puckered, spongy texture externally.

Another highly recommended method of getting rid of cellulite, IN COMBINATION with your anti cellulite cream, is an herbal or all natural cellulite fighting supplement designed to specifically target the internal causes of cellulite formation.

By helping your body dispose of excess water retention and built up toxins, anti cellulite supplements actually help shrink the fat cells that are responsible for the appearance of cellulite.

Getting rid of cellulite becomes a less daunting task when you combine an excellent anti cellulite cream and oral anti cellulite remedy, since you are attacking cellulite "from both ends".

If you approach the cellulite fight this way, I guarantee you will see a noticeable reduction in cellulite in about four to eight weeks. All you have to lose is the cellulite if you follow this approach to getting rid of cellulite!

Danna Schneider is the webmaster of CosmeticsGalore.com <a target="_new" href="http://www.cosmeticsgalore.com">http://www.cosmeticsgalore.com</a> , a beauty and cosmetic enhancement product review site providing beauty advice and the latest in cosmetic enhancement technology and methods.

Top Ten Tips for Beautiful Skin

Is Beauty Skin Deep?

The answer is yes and no. It's a paradox, isn't it? True beauty begins from the inside out. Don't you wish there was some way to &quot;wriggle your nose&quot; and regain that soft skin you had as a child? Well, until someone comes up with the true &quot;Fountain of Youth&quot; we are stuck with what we have.

The best route to healthy skin is to take care of what you have. Sounds simple, doesn't it? The truth is that your skin takes a beating from the environment every single day. Here are some of our favorite tips for keeping your skin fresh and healthy:

1. Stay hydrated and do it with plenty of water! That doesn't mean soda, caffeine or any other type of liquid even if it is low cal. Soda (even diet soda) has a high concentration of sodium. Sodium retains fluids. You need fluid that will hydrate and flush your body free of toxins. Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses a day!

2. Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. We all love the sun. We love being in it and we love having a beautiful tan. The truth is you can poison yourself with too much sunshine. UV rays cause skin cancer and if that isn't bad enough it causes your skin to age faster than it should contributing to unsightly wrinkles. If you must play in the sun, make certain you are using an adequate sun screen. Don't leave home without it!

3. Apply your sun screen even if you only make a quick trip to the grocery store. Yes, you can get harmful UV rays even while driving your car!

4. Keep your skin clean. Use a soft warm cloth. Skin does not require scrubbing. You will do more harm than good if you do.

5. Exfoliate dead skin cells every night.

6. Create your own facial masks. Here are a couple of excellent masks that you can create with ingredients right from your kitchen: Oatmeal mask: Mix oatmeal with skim milk and apply. Eggs: A raw egg yolk makes an excellent face mask. Try adding a little honey to the egg yolk for a change of pace. Mayonnaise makes another terrific face mask and will leave your skin feeling very soft

7. Use an antioxidant cream. You are bombarded every day with environmental toxins that attack the surface of your skin. In fact most damage to the skin can be attributed to free radicals. When you expose yourself to toxins like air pollution free radical production increases. Apply an antioxidant cream to your skin before applying your sun screen.

8. The best cure for wrinkles is to never have them in the first place! If you are like most of us, you didn't listen to your Mum when she tried to tell you to stay in the shade, stand up straight and stop squinting!

9. Stop shaving your legs and use hot wax. Much gentler on your skin.

10. Mix up a tablespoon of brandy along with a smashed up peach and apply to your face for twenty minutes then rinse. Makes for a great summer facial.

Simon is webmaster and editor of <a target="_new" href="http://www.naturalremedies4u.com.">http://www.naturalremedies4u.com.</a> If you enjoyed this article, visit <a target="_new" href="http://www.naturalremedies4u.com/beauty.php">http://www.naturalremedies4u.com/beauty.php</a> for more great health and beauty information.

To sign up for our free newsletter, visit <a target="_new" href="http://www.be-prepared.naturalremedies4u.com">http://www.be-prepared.naturalremedies4u.com</a>

วันศุกร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Truth About Home Made Facials

I started making facial masks after reading several books on natural cosmetics. Common ingredients used in home made facials are eggs, lemon, milk, honey, cucumber, tomato, essential oils and lots more fruits, herbs and other ingredients.

The assumption I had was that home made cosmetics, being all natural and preservative free were much safer than the commercial masks you found in stores. A wrong assumption. You know the saying. Never assume anything. It makes an ASS of U and ME. Did you know some of the deadliest poisons on earth are 100% natural?

There are complaints about preservatives irritating the skin and all that. That may be true especially for a person with very sensitive skin. But preservatives actually make cosmetics safe to use. Preservatives kill or at very least, inhibit the bacteria, mold, viruses and nasty things that would otherwise thrive in the cosmetics we use. Commercial preparations usually contain some preservative or other to make these products safe for use. Some of the very high end cosmetic formulations are packed in sterile capsules to do away with or at least, minimimize, the need for preservatives.

If you make your own skin care for use later in the week, chances are, unless you are anal about sterilizing everything and freezing every batch once it has cooled, thawing it only when you are going to use it, and keeping your cosmetics away from the raw meat in the freezer, eventually, you could find yourself using contaminated home made cosmetics, which could lead to a skin irritation.

I used to make my own skin care but found all the precautions I had to take such a hassle, now I buy mine off the shelves.

Even if you make your facial products for immediate use, you have to be careful about using only the freshest ingredients. A mouldy fruit or anything that is spoilt can lead to disastrous results on your skin.

Then there is the safety of the ingredients used in your skincare products.

I once told a pharmacist about the lemon remedy I was using on my pimples. She was horrified. Lemons are highly acidic. Lemon juice is pH 2. Sulphuric acid is pH 1. Lemons can cause a nasty acid burn if you are not careful.

We had a discussion about this. She told me about a customer who showed up with an acid burn. Turns out, she had a sunburn. Back in Australia, she would soothe that sunburn by rubbing cut cucumber over her skin. The juices would ease the sunburn. This time around, she was unlucky. The cucumber she used was more acidic than the ones she was used to and she ended up with a really nasty acid burn.

Though cucumber is soothing, cucumber contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids as do most fruit and some of the other ingredients used in homemade beauty recipes.

You see, in home made skin care, the exact chemical makeup of the ingredients you use may vary, leading to unpleasant results if you are unfortunate. That is why, everytime you make any facial mask, test it on the inside of your wrist first, before you let that mask touch your face.

I was lucky. The lemon facial I did helped clear my skin by killing the bacteria, without burning my skin. The pharmacist said I was fool hardy. As did my cousin who has been making her own beauty products for years already.

Lemon can thin the skin. It is so acidic. The pharmacist thought the other things, like the almond meal I mixed with the lemon juice helped neutralize the extreme acidity. Also, when I used freshly squeezed lemon juice directly on my face, I would dilute it with water first.

Yet the books I read with home made beauty recipes often include lemon in their recipes. After all, lemon has lightening properties. Lemon juice is often used to lighten freckles. Lemon was even recommended in a book by a former model, for use as a toner.

Not all ingredients are that dangerous though. Oats is an excellent ingredient for use in soothing facials. That was recommended to me by a doctor. For my toddler's rash. Cooked oats in a bag in the bath water is a home remedy to soothe itchy skin. Here is a facial that uses oats and rose water. <a target="-new" href=http://www.womanht.com/facials/RoseOatsFacial.htm>http://www.womanht.com/facials/RoseOatsFacial.htm</a>

A home made face mask can be as simple as putting some mash fruit your face. <a target="-new" href=http://www.womanht.com/facials/fruity_facials_tried_and_tested.htm>Fruity facials tried and tested</a> outlines such experiments with fruit.

Different skin types require different ingredients. Dry skin can use richer, nourishing ingredients. Really dry skin would love the moisturizing effect of sweet almond oil or olive oil. Oily skin, on the other hand would break out in pimples if you try massaging these oils on your face. What works for your best friend may be disastrous on you.

The easiest thing to do nowadays is to simply buy a great mask for your skin type off the shelf for your home facial. I use commercial masks these days after some disastrous experiments trying to find new ingredients for new home made facial masks for my site. The successful facials were published with at http://www.womanht.com/facials/.

The writer is the writer of the articles in <a target="_new" href="http://www.womanht.com/facials/">Home Made Facials</a>.

Winter Skin Care Survival Guide

Skin care survival guide. Cold winter air is far less humid than warm air, which means skin will be drier in the winter months. Harsh winds make conditions worse by causing moisture to evaporate more quickly from the skin. According to dermatologists, indoor conditions in the winter can be just as bad for complexion.

Indoor heating is abusive for the skin. It pulls the moisture out of the air, which is dehydrating. The older one gets, the drier the skin gets. The glands in skin get smaller and begin vanishing. This diminishes their ability to hydrate. The consequence is drier skin.

Using nutrient-rich moisturizing cream is the most important remedy for winter-beaten skin. To reduce the appearance of existing fine lines and wrinkles while evening out natural skin tones to have a smoother, softer, younger looking, more radiant complexion, apply your moisturizing creams three times a day.

You should also include the following beneficial skin-pampering techniques:

Humidify. When the heat is on, replace lost indoor moisture by running a humidifier in the house.

Use steam rather than sauna. At the gym or spa, instead of the dry-and-drying-sauna, use the steam room. Before steaming, apply a thin layer of Vitamin E oil. Your skin will come out radiant and amazingly soft.

Pamper fingers and toes. Don't forget these extremities, which take a particularly harsh beating in bitter climates. To bring them back to smoothness, soak feet and hands in warm water mixed with lemon juice and Vitamin E oil. Afterwards, rub on Aloe Ultra Moisture Cream.

Eat goods fats. Food like fish and flaxseed that are loaded with nutritious omega-3 fatty acids can revitalize skin.

Be gentle. Some say exfoliants (scrubs) are too harsh to use on already chapped skin but if you must use one, the gentler, the better.

Wear cotton. For clothing that goes next to your skin, avoid fabrics like wool; they abuse skin with friction and can dry it out.

Drink water frequently. Hydration from the inside, by drinking water is one of the most important things you can do for skin, say dermatologists, in cold weather as well as hot.

Protect. Don't forget that the sun puts out damaging rays even during the winter months, so use your daily sunscreen.

Roger Jirves
<a target="_new" href="http://www.essential-supplements.com/catalog/default.php/cPath/41?osCsid=b2b49a8d05be63a19222a33c11edfaef">Nutritional Skincare Products</a> and more!
Authorized Vitamin Power Dealer

Colored Contact Lenses - How to Choose the Color That is Best for You

You want colored contact lenses but you aren't sure which color would be best for you? Here are some tips that should help you select your best color.

First of all there are two major types of colored contacts - enhancement color lenses and opaque lenses. Enhancement lenses are suitable for people with light eyes only, and are designed to make your own color brighter or give it a slightly different hue. For example: a person with naturally green eyes can wear blue enhancement color lenses and get most beautiful aqua effect.

Opaque lenses are designed for a more dramatic change. Whether you have light or dark eyes, opaque lenses are not transparent, so they completely replace the natural color of your eyes with the color of the lens. What type and color of colored lenses to select depends on the effect you want to achieve.

You want your eye color to get brighter, but you don't want to startle everybody who knows you with a different color

<ul> <li>In this case, if you have light blue eyes, choose blue or aqua enhancement color contacts. You can also try Freshlook Radiance in Eden or Moonlight, which gives your eye an 'illuminated' effect.</li>

<li>If your natural color is gray or blue-gray, try blue from Acuvue 2 Colors or Freshlook Dimensions, to get a beautiful ocean blue color. If you feel more adventurous, go for jade green. Green eyes are quite rare, so you can make a statement with your new color.</li>

<li>If your eyes are brown, none of the enhancement color contacts would work for you. Try brown opaque lenses, which will make your color more defined, or hazel, which would make them lighter. You can also consider Freshlook Radiance Sunrise (lighter) or Autumn (darker), to add shimmer to your eyes.</li> </ul>

Do you want to try something dramatically different from your natural color?

<ul> <li>In this case opaque color lenses like Freshlook Colorblends, Acuvue 2 Colors opaques or Illusions by Ciba Vision would be your best choice.v

<li>If you have dark eyes and dark hair, try blue or amethyst colors, like True Sapphire or Amethyst from Freshlook Colorblends collection. Amethyst looks extremely daring and sophisticated, because this color is very rare in nature. You can also try green color contacts; they would look especially good if your hair is red. For most people, green eyes are associated with sexiness and creativity.</li>

<li>If your eyes are naturally a cool blue or gray color, try honey color contacts. Honey eyes are associated with intelligence, warmth and trustworthiness. You can reinforce the warm effect by wearing warm colors.</li>

<li>Most people with dark skin naturally have brown eyes, so by selecting blue or green lenses you will attract a lot of attention.</li> </ul>

To emphases the change, wear a new outfit, different in style and color from the clothes you usually wear. And to create a completely new image, change your hairstyle as well.

If you still not sure which color is best for you, ask your doctor to prescribe you disposable color lenses. Color contact lenses can be either annual replacement - you wear them for a year - or disposable - they come in boxes of six and you replace them every 2 weeks or every month. Disposable lenses are not very expensive - particularly if you buy them online - so you can try several different colors. The lenses mentioned in this article, Freshlook and Acuvue 2 Colors, are disposable color contact lenses.

Tanya Turner is a contact lens expert and a founder of <a target="_new" href="http://www.1-contact-lenses-consumer-guide.com/">Contact Lenses Consumer Guide</a>, which provides you with information about all types of contact lenses including <a target="_new" href="http://www.1-contact-lenses-consumer-guide.com/color-contacts.html">color contact lenses reviews and pictures</a>

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Tummy Tuck ? Cosmetic Surgery Procedure

A tummy tuck cosmetic surgery procedure will take about two to five hours, depending on the nature of the job. If you are only receiving a partial abdominoplasty it will probably only take between one to two hours.

The surgical procedure starts with a long incision across the hipbone directly above the pubic area. Another cut is then made to remove the belly button from the original tissue in order to place it back after the surgery is complete.

The next step is to separate the skin from the lower torso area of the pubic area to the ribcage, revealing the muscles underneath. The exposed muscles are then stitched together which forces them to conform to their new position. This will create a more toned and defined waistline. The skin is then pulled down to the area of the initial incision, sown together and any excess skin is surgically removed. A new cut is then made for the navel and gauze bandages and a temporary tube to drain away excess fluid.

The first couple days after an abdominoplasty are the most painful because this is the time when there is the most soreness and swelling. It is very important not to disturb the stitches and sutures during this time. After about five to seven days the doctor will remove the stitches and the patient will need to wear a specially designed support garment to ensure proper healing.

Returning to normal life after this surgery takes a bit more time. A great deal of the recovery has to do with your physical condition and the amount of physical activity performed after the surgery. Some patients can return to work as little as two weeks after the procedure, but others take longer to heal. After around nine months the scarring should subside, giving you the freedom to show off your new stomach.

To learn more about <a target="_new" href="http://florida.resource4cosmeticsurgery.com/miami.html">Dr Adam Rubenstein</a> and <a target="_new" href="http://florida.resource4cosmeticsurgery.com/miami.html">Miami Florida cosmetic surgery</a>, please visit <a target="_new" href="http://florida.resource4cosmeticsurgery.com/">http://florida.resource4cosmeticsurgery.com</a> This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box and all links stay intact.

Eczema: Tips On How To Care For Your Skin

Eczema can best be described as a non-contagious skin condition, which is characterized by hot dry itchy skin, with symptoms that often fluctuate seasonally and even over the course of the day. Eczema typically begins in early childhood. Research indicates that eczema may be genetically determined and studies show that there is often a family history of allergies, asthma, eczema or hay fever. Children who experience eczema may also suffer from asthma or hay fever as well.

Like an allergy, eczema tends to flair up when exposed to certain triggers, especially mechanical irritants, allergens, emotional stress, heat and sweating. When exposed to an offending situation, inflammation producing cells come to surface of the skin and release chemicals, leaving the skin red, pealing and thickened. Sometimes tiny blisters form, rupture, weep and crust over.

Eczema most often appears in and round the creases of joints of the arms and legs and around trunk of the body. For some, it also emerges on their hands and on the sloes of their feet. Sufferers also experience an intense itching makes them want to scratch it, causing additional damage which can lead to bleeding and infection.

Solvents, chemicals, detergents, bleach, woolen clothing, skin care products that contain alcohol and certain soaps or fragrances are all considered mechanical irritant that can cause burning, itching or redness to the skin and bring about a flair-up. And while allergens, like food, pollens and pets, do not irritate the skin, they can also trigger a flair-up. The same holds true to emotional stress. Intense emotions such as anger and frustration can flair up symptoms. Many individuals with eczema also do not tolerate extremely hot or cold temperatures as well. High humidity can cause increased sweating, while low humidity can dry the skin.

Recommendations For Wellness

The key to controlling eczema is prevention. Avoid or reduce your exposure to things that can irritate your skin such as household cleaners, detergents, certain soaps and wool clothing.

Use a moisturizer on your skin every day to help keep it soft and flexible.

Don't scratch even if it itches! Scratching can further irritate the skin and can even cause the skin to break and crack, opening the door to infection.

Take the time to identify your triggers. This can help you to avoid or limit your exposure to the offending item even better. If you think a food item is causing your problems, talk to your doctor about getting an allergy test or try an elimination diet to help you identify the offending product.

Be sure to dry your hands completely after you wash them.

Wear gloves when your hands will be exposed to anything that can irritate them.

Learn to manage your stress through regular exercise, breathing techniques, biofeedback, meditation and yoga.

Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) has been shown to help reduce the inflammation, dryness and scaleness often associated with eczema. GLA can be found in evening primrose oil, borage oil and currant seed oil.

If your skin becomes infected, the herb Oregon grape has been used for hundreds of years to treat infections and a variety of skin problems.

Natures Sunshine's Golden Salve is a blend of herbs, oils and beeswax that sooths and moisturizes rough, chafed, chapped skin.

A homeopathic remedy for eczema may help relieve the itching and irritation associated with eczema and dermatitis of the skin and scalp.

? Copyright Body, Mind & SoulHealer 2005. All rights reserved.

Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Rita Louise, Ph.D. is the author of the books &quot;Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4&quot; and &quot;The Power Within&quot;. It is it is her unique gift as a medical intuitive and clairvoyant that illuminates and enlivens her work. Let Dr. Louise help you bring health healing and wholeness back into your life. Medical Intuition & Energy Medicine Certification training classes are now forming. Visit <a target="_new" href="http://www.soulhealer.com">http://www.soulhealer.com</a> or call (972) 475-3393 for more information.