Wrinkles, lines and rough skin texture are a SURE SIGN OF POOR DERMAL COLLAGEN HEALTH. Collagen used in creams remains an effective tool in the area of cutaneous hydration. In fact, one can compare its molecule to a big sponge able to absorb a great quantity of water. Therefore when applied to the skin it maintains it to a humid state and provides it with optimal hydration thus reducing the appearance of ageing signs.
After the age of 20 collagen production reduces l % per year.
Collagen creams help by hydrating (moisturizing) the epidermis which tends to firm and revitalise, favours cellular renewal, smooth and plump up the skin by increasing the skins elasticity. Help to nourish, repair and tighten the skin as it helps to replenish the skin's own natural collagen making it softer and radiant. The main role of collagen creams is to help retain water in the stratum corneum, that is to maintain the epidermis in a normal state of hydration. Also collagen is well known for its healing properties!
Recommended use of collagen skincare products are at any age or as soon as fine lines or wrinkles start to appear!
Professional Esthetician
Elle's Esthetic Studio
<a target="_new" href="http://www.ellesestheticstudio.com">http://www.ellesestheticstudio.com</a>